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Are you liberal or conservative?

  • 54 votes
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  • 24 votes
AbdullaUW 4 Nov 4

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Everyone is a secret conservative that is why trump won. I am a business owner and a capitalist so I look in the mirror the only one responsible for all my well being is myself.

@Aivery Sorry not everyone only the ones they're educated and powerful.

i have never been a conservative, secret or otherwise, and i sure as hell didn't vote for trump. i voted for hillary. in addition, trump didn't win -- not the popular vote, so you can't characterize voters by trump's landing in the white house. voters chose hillary.


@genessa I don't know I think will also win the midterm elections we will see


Progressive Democrat sliding rapidly to socialist!

BillF Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

i have long called myself, when called upon to be very specific, a social free enterprisist. that means i am socialist when it comes to necessities and the common good, and liberal/progressive for everything else. but if asked how i VOTE, that would be democratic.



i am more liberal than liberal. i have not met a conservative for years. the people calling themselves conservative these days are not conservative; they are profligate. they're regressive and that is what i call them.


I had to google that one..
Nice !???

@hippydog lol i am told, and i have no way of knowing if it's true, that when i was two or so i was sitting on the stairs, having gotten up in the night, and was approached by neighbors, along with my parents, and asked politely how i was. my answer was "blithe, thank you" and my mom had to look it up! it SOUNDS like me....



Extremely outspoken liberal.


Progressive Liberal Democratic Socialist.


I have been a liberal Democrat, feminist, environmentalist and atheist my entire adult life.


Classical liberal, which is very different from the "progressive" (read: regressive) movement that masquerades for liberalism today.

Or how about a Clinton Neo know a Hawk in sheeps clothing..

@Charlene, that may be one way to describe the regressive movement. Clinton is certainly a hawk.

@Keith_J anyone thats proudly displays Kissinger as mentor is not my concept of a peacemaker.


Very liberal. There are very, very few independents. They still lean left or right. They still vote left or right. It just sounds good to say you're an independent.

A lot of conservatives hide behind the Independent title. Most are unconsciously embarrassed by Trump. I own my liberal bias and wear it like a badge of honor. I don't pretend to be something I'm not...


I prefer to think of myself as a progressive.


Transgender & Social Democrat.and proud..


Moderate, don't like the extremes and blatant hypocrisy from either side.


I don't like extremes. In either direction.


Historically I have always been socially liberal, fiscally centrist. The past couple of years have definitely pushed me further to the left as I’ve seen the effects of the current affairs on my children.


Jedi. Seriously, I put it on the last census 🙂


I have always been liberal to varying degrees. I doubt that I got my liberal thinking from my parents. Don’t know what they were but from what I remember I doubt they voted for liberals on a regular basis.


When it comes to politics I'm almost a bleeding heart liberal but I was not always that way. When it come to my own money I am ultra conservative. That means when Charlie wants a loan until payday he doesn't get it from me. That's what the "Payday Loan" place is for.


I suspect the conservatives, feeling outnumbered here, are finding it hard to step out of the closet. Be brave and embrace your true identity! I don't want them picked up. I just want to know if

a. they vote conservative cos their parents did.
b: They don't care about the welfare of the disadvantaged.
c: they're part of the .01% that own the wealth in this country and want to protect that wealth at all costs even though they could never possibly need that much.

@Gurahl Sorry about the typo. And thanks for putting your hand up. Sometimes it gets boring talking to people who share the same opinions as oneself. Not that I can get my head around people who just don't care about But I need controversy to enable me to continually question and assess what I believe.


Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal, BIG on personal responsibility and small government.

You prefer a balance in other words. Hhmm.... you sound like one of them there Libertarians😉


Conservative who is a registered Independent.



This is not real call yes I'm a conservative everything in my life I have gathered with my own power. I don't need no hands out I am control of my own life.

That's the way to be.

well aren't you lucky you don't need tax-funded roads to drive on, because you can build and repair them yourself, and if you get sick, good thing you built a hospital and hired doctors, nurses and other staff, and bought equipment, to take care of you. oh wait, you don't need a handout. you'll just take care of yourself. good thing you don't need an education, or that if you have kids they don't need one, because you sure wouldn't want your taxes to fund public schools or anything. in control of your own life my ASS. no one wants a handout. everyone wants good working conditions and law and order and peace and stuff we have to work TOGETHER to get. but you want to control your own life. selfish. the air you BREATHE and the water you DRINK are a handout, and there are people, people for whom YOU VOTE, who want to take that away.


@PinkyandtheBrain sure you will. then don't use any freeways. that's socialism. and don't worry about other people. you're the only human being in the world who counts. feh! feh! why do you have the word "brain" in your name? to make up for its lack elsewhere? feh!


@PinkyandtheBrain i find it very difficult to love selfish people. i have no intention of getting to know you.



I'm neither & both. I take a short and long view of most issues. For example, I take a long view that multiculturalism brings excellent outcomes in every country that does it well. Short term view is that I don't want immigration from cultures that practice Female Genital Mutilation.These are both valid liberal & conservative positions.
Politics that forces you to choose between A or B should be put in a museum.


I probably lean conservative if you tally up my views across all topics, but I don't consider myself a conservative. I would probably be label liberal if you tally up those topics, but give each one a different weight (gay marriage is more points vice supporting smaller government). One example that shows how confused I am on which box I fit in is the question should gays be allowed to marry? I say no, because I don't think the government has the right to 'allow' that choice to anyone - gay or straight, interracial or same race, etc. I don't know if that means I'm a liberal or conservative - maybe neither and I'm just an anarchist?

EDIT - btw, I differentiate between an anarchist and someone who promotes anarchy.

Sounds like mostly libertarian views there, which is all good.


Because I believe that it is the responsibility of the government, if it truly represents the constituency of its people, to provide and protect their general well-being.


When I took one of those political tests (that tells you which parties I aligned with the best ) .. I was very surprised to find that libertarian was the closest.
It's to bad there is no such thing as a progressive libertarian party, right now my vote goes to the liberal party (until something better comes along)


@hippydog I did say conservative, but have long thought of myself as being more liberal, just not that progressive type of liberal though. Over the years the political spectrum has changed (might depend where one lives though), and the left has moved further to the left while the right has moved further right as well. Someone like me used to be just left of center, but by today's standards I would probably be just right of center now. Libertarian is a better term to describe my overall views, fiscally conservative while being socially liberal.


I support compassionate, classical liberal capitalism. Is there a name for that?

Compassionate Capitalism is an oxymoron. Liberal capitalism is a fantasy.


This is so funny I think republicans would dominate you this is just my opinion I go to vote. Wow what have I given you reckon on employment record S and P 500 highest stock's earnings record unemployment for blacks for hispanics for everyone. Get off your ass and make your own destiny.


@hippydog The greatest thing for this nation the most wonderful thing that can happen is you becoming great.


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