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Novelty 8 Nov 12

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I tend to get a little religious on the golf course, with a lot of references to god and Jesus.........


Golf is still a cult religion. Consider this: It separates families. It is practiced mostly on the sabbath and a disportionate number of its practitioners are struck by lightning

I still think people intent on wasting resources by ruining nice walks through beautiful parks with golf or cemetaries should be compelled to share the same grounds. The headstones on putting greens will add a nice snooker element to the game.

@Wurlitzer It is the stealthy colonization of the world by Scotland. Small areas turned into gorse and heather throughout the globe.
From what I gather "snooker" was once an element of golf. You could play your ball in front of your opponent and force him to play around or over it.


I prefer the witchcraft.

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