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Trump Admn Finalizes Rules Limiting Women's Access to Birth Control - WTF!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 12

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There is not one fucking law on the books that seek to control what men do with their bodies.

I for one want this shit to stop!! I am beyond pissed.


You can buy all the birth control you want so what are you whining about?

At maybe $30 or more a poor women, again, get hit the Worst. And BTW, Viagra is covered.....

@jorj I get your point but I think you miss the fact there is not ONE FUCKING LAW on the books about what men can do with their bodies. Continue to say certain things are a false equivalency and it only pisses women off. Until birthcontrol is covered I do not feel Viagra or female libido drugs should be covered. Homone drugs for endometrious, ovarian cysts, etc are a different matter entirely so don't EVEN go there.


I am continually shocked at America under the Republicans. I hoped that with Bill Clinton you'd begin to catch up with Europe, then Bush II and now Trump.
In the UK, we seem to be taking a backwards leap. As a Social Scientist it's my task to record and make sense of it all.


This overturns Obamacare’s mandate that small businesses and nonprofits provide insurance coverage for contraception they have a religious or moral objection to, correct?

It’s not outlawing any birth control methods themselves if I’m understanding correctly?

If so, I have no issue with this. If you truly have a moral or religious objection you shouldn’t be forced to pay for it. Birth control is very cheap even if you do have to pay for it and there are countless other ways to get monetary help if needed or for women that can’t take or use the more popular and cheaper methods or who just simply can’t afford it. Which I support. I don’t agree that this is limiting the rights of women or their access. If a person feels very strongly about these issues, she should seek employment elsewhere and not support a company with views she so strongly objects.

@jorj To be fair, I’m probably in a huge minority here as far as women. Which I also think speaks tonthe integrity of the women on this site. I’ve never been made to feel anything but welcome.


So the poor can have more children that the republicans will not feed,house, educate or just plain care for.

Yup, because conservatives/religious types use pregnancy as a way to control and economicaly disenfranchise women. It is as simple as that.


But I am guessing that Viagra is still covered?


Well, that is the entire reason why teh religious right, has been willing to over look all of Trumps character faults, such as serial adulatry and the video where he bragged about sexually assaulting a married woman and hwo he can get away with because he is a celebrity. They also over look his constant lying. They just want to stop abortions.

It is not just abortion they want to stop

@DoctoralZombie True. They also want ot put the LGBT community back in the closets if not into prisons.

@snytiger6 So very true. I despise Trump, but the only person in the administration I am really afraid of is Pence for exactly these reasons.

@DoctoralZombie What scares me about Pence is that he would be much more competent at getting draconian religious based policies enacted. He, ulnlike Trump, actually has a much better understanding of how things work in government.


I marched twice on DC for abortion/birth control rights under Bush I, about 30+ years ago! WTF???!!?

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