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A question for all those that are looking for a date/mate/lover ...

If you see a profile you like, but they describe themselves as "bisexual", does that eliminate them in your mind ? Why - or why not ?

evergreen 8 Nov 13

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That is a good question and I have not given much thought to it before now....


No, that doesn't "disqualify" them. I'm too old and too remote to be picky, lol. But seriously, that doesn't bother me at all.


If you don't follow a religion, what would prevent you from accepting someones sexuality?

Sexual preferences often have nothing to do with religion - or the lack thereof .


In my eyes, it's all just a big spectrum, doesn't matter where you land on it as long as they are committed to you

Ells Level 3 Nov 15, 2018

NO...IT DOESN'T AT ALL. THERE IS NO REASON WHY IT SHOULD...THEY ARE A PERSON. I GO BY WHO THEY ARE TO ME...HOW THEY PRESENT THEMSELVES TO ME. If I like them...and they like doesn't matter if they are bi. Bi people...are natural...more accepting...not they don't believe in just black or white...there are shades of grey and colors too. answer your more turns me on to them. PERIOD.


Yes it does. I am straight, I want a man committed 100%. If he desires other then what I have I don't want to hold him back from fulfillment.

This...but relative to women.

I'm not sure that someone's sexuality impacts their commitment level. If they were bisexual, but 100% committed to you in a monogamous relationship, what does it matter?

@RobRoseBC I don't say one can't make the commitment. I do say it is a recipe for resentment.

@RoseyRose oh, for sure. It’s messy by design.


I guess I’d be one that’s a little wary about contacting a bisexual about anything more than possible friends. It’s possibly from a feeling of being inadequate. Not positive that’s the best way to describe it though.

Anyway, women on BI-cycles are heart thumpers.


Is this a thing? Is it assumed that bisexuals want both at the same time? Because I don't share and I'm loyal to the person I am with. Also, when I'm with a woman I don't crave men, vice versa. I just want my person.

Exactly ! Though bisexual means possibly being attracted to both genders, for most, it does NOT mean that one must have both at the same time. One person does it for me too !


Not at all. I find it exciting.

Curious - why would you find that exciting ?


Not at all. Bisexual or pansexual make no difference. You can't comexhanfe what a person is attracted to and if you can't be open minded enough to view them as a person first rather than a sexual orientation then perchance you need deeper reflection on why that is.


Not at all. Being bi doesnt make a person non monogamous


I find being bisexual and atheist have a lot in common. You can keep hidden for only so long. It must feel good to be liberated.


For me, it does not eliminate them in my mind, quite the contrary.. It's actually nice to see how people are, want to be, identify with themselves and others.. I realize that I have been fortunate to be born and Identify myself as a Heterosexual male and I don't have to fight or struggle tremendously for my right to be who I am as a human being.. Not being apologetic or anything, I am just stating my view/ opinion that we are all Homosapien..part of the great ape family..part of nature.. ?

Great outlook.


No it doesn’t. Sexuality is varied; there are many degrees of it. The Indians knew this and celebrated it.


For me it does as a straight woman. Everyone has thier right to make thier own choices. That’s all there is to be said really.


Ok since most of these responses are from bi- folks, I’ll offer a different perspective. Honestly, when I see a man identifies as bi, I usually “left-swipe.” I can’t even articulate why that is. I completely understand that bisexual people are just as capable of being faithful.

@PalacinkyPDX yes, I can acknowledge that it’s probably innate bias. I kind of feel like a dick about it, but I just don’t think I would feel comfortable with that.


i'm a straight women and not in the market as i have my love, but imagining that i was looking, and i was looking for a straight guy, i would have to trust that straight guy to choose and love me and no one else. so if i could trust a straight guy to eschew all other women and be only with me, why couldn't i trust a bi guy to eschew all other men and women and be only with me? i have a friend who is a bisexual man, and he has been married and as far as i know faithful to the same woman for many decades. if you're monogamous, then being bi just means your field is wider open but once you choose someone, whichever sex that person is, you're still going to be monogamous, and if you're a player, you can be unfaithful with just one sex as easily as with two. so no, if trust is earned, why should i care?


beautifully stated !


I hope not, since I’m bi.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

Not for me. It would be a bit hypocritical to eliminate someone bisexual when I'm bisexual myself.


As someone whose sexual prefrence is bisexual or pansexual, I hope that’s not the one thing that turns people from me.
I understand that people still have their own sexual presences, but I don't understand people who think bisexuals just irresponsibly have sex with everyone.

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