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If God is omniscient, in other words he knows everything that is happening and everything that will happen then why does he state that we should follow his word. In the story of the garden of eden and the creation of man why did he set man up to fail?
If he is all knowing, as the bible states, then he knew that man would eat from the forbidden fruit. This to me is totally illogical, makes no sense. He put the forbidden fruit in the garden and told man not to eat from it. Why did he even allow the fruit of knowledge to be there in the first place since he knew that man would break his commandment?

FackBasedReason 3 Nov 14

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For a being who is omnipotent (has no dependencies on anyone or anything, suffers no consequences, etc) he is awfully needy for worship and obedience. And that's putting it kindly. In point of fact, as depicted, he's incredibly insecure.


you're asking why a fictional character does something in a seriously imperfect work of fiction that doesn't even rate a book review?



Give it up, nobody cares how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, Nobody!


Well, when you make up a story, you don't have to follow any of the rules of reality. Making up someone or something that is all knowing, for example, ignores reality - or more accurately recasts a reality where such an entity is even possible. How would that work, to be all knowing? It wouldn't work, it's not real. You can't inject yourself into a fictitious framework and expect logic and reason to be relevant.


Is there anything in the bible that makes sense?

The part where the fictitious God sends she-bears to maul some young boys to death for making mindless taunts makes the most sense to me - I don't think children should be reasoned with...the most meaningful reaction was to kill them in the cruelest way possible. It just shows how cruel the fictitious God really is - that's the point of the fable right?


Bingo. You have hit on the main paradox of the entire belief system. The story of Genesis I is preposterous. And while I think that Jesus is a really cool dude and I quite like his message, the reason for his death an resurrection is based on the Genesis story and therefore is also preposterous.

actually the main paradox is that there aren't any gods and religions tend to be based on the worship of these nonexistent thingies, as laid out, more or less, in a work of fiction with too many authors over too long a period of time with too little knowledge on any of their parts.



The stories in the Bible (and all other ancient religious texts) are a collection of various symbolic writings retrofitted to existing reality. They are aimed at conveying the highest wisdom, known at the time of writing, regarding human psychology and social mores of the period. The god figure in these stories is a personification of reality at large. (Reality created us. It is favorably disposed to our survival, but often creates difficulties for us.)

The Bible will not be internally consistent because it was written by at least 40 authors over hundreds of years. It’s just a collection of folk tales that try to embody the wisdom of personal discipline and social cohesion. When people take it literally they lose sight of its symbolic meaning. It’s an ancient artifact; it needs to be viewed through the lenses of history and anthropology, not taken as a coherent manuscript written by a single mind.

skado Level 9 Nov 14, 2018

Compare the story of the Garden of Eden to the Marshmallow Test

God clearly wanted Adam and Eve to eat that apple.

Further, the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent God contradicts the existence of sin. Sin (at least as I understand it) is defined to be any thought or behavior against God's will. But God already knows what thoughts and behaviors you will have and has the power to prevent it. Yet, God allows it to happen anyway. Hence, anything that currently exists cannot be against God's will. (i.e. Sin does not exist if God exists.)

I told this to a Christian friend once and it broke him. He could never give a response because he knows both God and sin are bullshit.

Buxx Level 7 Nov 14, 2018

Love the video, but have to say that one marshmallow when you are bored really is worth ten when you have other things to do. Or maybe that's just me.

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