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I have been seeking female companionship for awhile now,here and on assorted other sites. I have tried many different approaches with no success,and have come to realize it is an exercise in futility and frustration.this has caused me to scale down my efforts, and consider that it may be a long while before this ever happens again so I will concentrate on other areas on my life which are lacking,for my own peace of mind

WayneDalton 8 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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"so I will concentrate on other areas on my life which are lacking,for my own peace of mind"

weirdly , that is exactly how you end up finding someone..



Sorry, I can't help you in dating, but I have had other men our age tell me that the best way to find someone is to be passionate about something (like playing a musical instrument, or art, or sculpture, or whatever), and join groups that are also passionate about them. For example, my 57 year old guitar friend found his mate at an Irish seisun in Hartford a couple years ago. They're both musicians. They hit it off and are still together.

I do not have any one area that is an over riding passion,but enjoy sharing another persons.

@WayneDalton maybe it's time? Most of my students are 50+!

I have always to play a musical instrument?

@WayneDalton what do you want to learn? most of my adult students are studying mandolin

@celticagent I had always had my mind sat on a sax


that is the best way. the problem with seeking female companionship is that 51 percent or so of the population is female and you're trying to find one to love and by whom to be loved, and love isn't a THING. you can't look for it. it's an action/interaction/reaction. you need two parties for that. if love were science you could look for some specific elements and measure the interactions. people go after love, after a lover, with the same idea. this element will make that reaction. it doesn't work that way with love. you may like short, dark and buxom, and guess what? some skinny blonde or fat redhead has the elements you need. you may like artistic and yielding and some argumentative mathematician may have just what will spark between you. so the search is doubly, triply hard. your solution, concentrating on something else, is ABSOLUTELY the right thing, as long as you keep your eyes and ears open.


I know that G, and if I spend the rest of my life alone, I will do it on my own terms.?

@WayneDalton you may not have to. i didn't find my life partner until i was 48 and he was 52. we've been together 18 years now. i wasn't looking and neither was he. surprise!



Maybe it’s your lack of photos, sparse BIO, and generally pissy outlook on life?

This is a current picture of myself;would multiple pictures make you happy?Possibly you can't understand my outlook on life. As for my sparse bio ,perhaps a person who is interested could simply ask for more info? Also,I do not hide behind a false name to offer comments on another.?

@WayneDalton Yes. Multiple pictures would help. No one is going to be interested to ask further if your bio is sparse, especially women. No one is impressed that you are using your real name. It may actually cause some to think you have poor judgement.

@WayneDalton You will have gathered by now that internet dating is a buyers market for women. (Gonna get in trouble for this of the ladies but). Also women look for reasons to reject whist guys to accept. Bare this in mind.
Hi I read your Bio and I think I have something to sell you. I cannot tell you what it is or show you a picture but you will love it when you get it. Just send me $20 and I will send it to you, interested? Of course not why would you be.
Getting a date online is like looking for a job. You HAVE to have a good CV, target prospects that not only you want but those that might want you. You are NOT a better mouse trap. The world will not beat a path to your door and even if your Brad Pitt and George Clooney rolled up in Jim Morrison. They will not come unless you tell them about yourself.
I get dates online. I am 61 and not rich or good looking. If you would really like my help then PM me and we can talk.

@WayneDalton Your response clearly shows that you think that the women should put forth all the effort and that you have no ownership in your part in not finding anyone. Further...take a look at your posts .....the general theme is "woe is me....poor me.....pity me...." -- seriously, dude, who the fuck wants to add that to their life?

Also, insulting EVERYONE on here who uses a "username" of their choosing sure isn't the way to win friends and influence people.

I would suggest that HIDING behind a lack of photos and a crappy BIO is a far worse offense than using a Username. Furthermore, you speak like a TYPICAL clueless male who has no idea the harrassment a women can receive if the jerks and trolls of the internet knew her real identity. Way to go on being completely out of touch with reality.

@273kelvin If you're going to make such a broad statement about women's behavior on these sites, then please also at least acknowledge we may do these things out of a learned practice of self-protection. on about the no bio/bad attitude/no pic leading to no interest.

@WayneDalton when I was looking, multiple pics, especially those where the guy was smiling and out living life made a difference.

Also, the bio is the place to sell yourself. What is it that makes Wayne Dalton special? There has to be something there to spark an interest to make someone want to find out more. What do you like? What are your hobbies? Do you have an interesting job? Do you like to travel? Because a sparse bio tells me I am going to have to carry every conversation and probably decide what's for dinner every night, I never reached out to anyone who's bio said "just ask."

Spending time cultivating your interests is a great idea. Write about that in your bio, and add some pics of what you're doing.

@WayneDalton if you are out in the "real world" people can see and hear you, observe you, get to know you. on a dating site, that isn't so. on a dating site ALL we can see is what you choose to present. if you don't choose to present much, or you choose to present negativity, then why in the world should someone gravitate toward you? then of course you'll be more negative, boo hoo, no woman wants you. do you get what we're telling you? being male and available is not actually that huge a draw all by itself, regardless of whose buyer's market it turns out to be. we're not saying this to be mean. you posted. we're responding.


@273kelvin tell me what you have?

@pashaonenine The reasons behind womens selectiveness are to a degree somewhat irrelevant if youre waiting for them to contact you first and have no pic or bio. Of course if you make the effort and try and put your best foot forward. Then yes not coming over as a possible creep is a big plus. I simply stated the mathematical facts about radios of M - F on dating sites. If I go into a shop to buy a bottle of wine. I will per force reject a lot more wine in a large supermarket with hundreds of different choices than if I go into a convenience store with a choice of 5.
It is a fact because I know women who have done it. That Waynes profile would get msgs and hits if he was female but he is not so he has to make an effort.

@WayneDalton Okay firstly what Paracosm & genessa said is good advice.
Profile pics that are good are smiles, action shots and pics with friends. These will show that you are not some sad sack sitting alone in his room.
Profiles that work say active, adventurous, caring, passionate and GSOH (you can put a little humor in if you want). This is assuming that you have any of these qualities. If not say what you are but spin it to attract. For example Agoraphobic = like cozy nights in, overweight = cuddy. You get the idea. Also if there are things your into like bands say so. A gal who may have left swiped you might not if you like the same music and or hobbies.
Messages; These are your chat up line, This is a scatter gun mail shot game. You will send out 10 msgs for every response and 10 responses to 1 date. So don't lose heart, remember that each msg gets you closer to a date. DO NOT TREAT EACH PROSPECT TO THE SAME MSG ! Yes you can put a more detailed version of your profile and copy paste this but you HAVE to read the gals profile and make it specific to them too. This is your only chance to get them interested. So "Hi lets chat" just crosses one more prospect off the list and does not make you the guy they want to talk to.
Example (forgive me Minta79 I will use your profile in this).

Hello Minta, you look stunning may I say. I too love lists, music, english comedians, night time, good movies , bad movies, cats and dogs (have I missed any out lol )

(then you can copy/paste a bit more about yourself like....)
I am mostly fine with my own company but would love someone to share good times with. I adore good food and wine but feel that good company would be a perfect accompaniment. If you think that you could be that persson? Then I would love to talk with you (insert name here) xxx

@273kelvin I'm not convinced the odds are ever in our favor when it comes to numbers. Why do you say it's a "buyers' market for women"? I think that's nonsense, but if you can demonstrate why I'm wrong I'll certainly listen.

@pashaonenine Whilst the mathematical ratio of sites such as POF and Okcupid may be relatively equal. (It becomes more slanted on sites geared to casual or sexual relationships). The perception is that women have an easier time. There are several reasons for this. Men tend to initiate contact 1st. So if there are 100 guys and 100 gals (lets say they are all within each others dating parameters of age, locality attractiveness etc.). then 98 guys will send out 98 msgs to 98 gals (the 2% are guys who wait like Wayne and gals who msg 1st). Each woman will 98 msgs, of which she will sift through and pick out her best prospects. This could range from 1-10 depending on how flirty she is. If she dates these guys the each of the top 10% will be choosing from up to 98 other dates. Then you get complaints from gals saying they get ghosted etc. As you go down the attractive scale. Then the women will still get asked but the men will get less replies. Therefore a woman can do as Wayne has done and just say "Hi I am here...ask" and some guys will ask. Whereas Wayne will grow old and bitter waiting.

@273kelvin I think you're totally right in your analysis and the only other thing I would add is that timing is also critical unless you are above average looking or better. The reason is that when a woman joins a dating site, esp. if she is above average looking, she will get a hundred messages her first week from all the men noticing her as new and taking their shot with her. If your looks don't really stand out from the rest of the pack, your first message to her will get buried in the pile of a hundred messages and probably never even be read by her while she is meanwhile sorting thru the messages of the thirty best-looking men (or, as you say Kevin, the ten best prospects) who sent her messages that week and selecting thru further e-mails who she will meet in person. Meanwhile, the average-looking guy's message never ends up getting read nor does his profile. So, he's out of the running for good early on because he didn't make the first cut.

Brutal, but true. That's why I am searching the site every day for the new profiles so I can be one of the first messagers to that person. It's the only way I have ever got a woman who was above average-looking to ever message me back after they join.

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