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Can anyone help me phrase a note to my tenants in order to contribute to snow removal?

RapidCityKelly 6 Nov 16

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"Pick Up A Shovel, You Lazy Twits"

Oh... you probably meant something more persuasive and less something I yell at my own neighbors...

@RapidCityKelly Do you suppose you could get away with throwing water on their doors overnight next time it's below freezing, so they find themselves frozen in in the morning?

No, no... scratch that highly unethical suggestion....


Dear residents WTF get off you lazy duff and shovel.

@RapidCityKelly They think because you collect the rent that you are on ezstreet. They have no idea the cost of taxes insurance upkeep of what ever unexpected repair cost.

@RapidCityKelly Right those corporate type all business and clinical about protocol.


I'm slightly confused. Are you the landlord?

If you're not the landlord I don't think there is anything you can do. I would however pen a letter to the landlord explaining to him his liability when someone gets injured because of the negligence from not clearing the snow.


So I originally wrote a comment in the style of a note from the landlord asking tenants to help remove snow, but then I read one of your responses saying you were also a tenant.

If you want to write a note to the tenants, then go ahead but that's not your responsibility. In the note remind the other tenants that the landlord won't pay to remove the snow so it is up to the tenants and you are interesting in working together to remove the snow. Ask if they would like to meet to discuss setting up a schedule of when you can remove the snow/borrowing shovels/etc; include your name and contact info (phone number or email). If you don't hear back from them, then you might just have to shovel snow by yourself. Don't be a "good neighbor" and shovel more snow than you need to though. If your neighbors don't want to help you, don't help them.


Dear neighbors - with the start of the snowy season, this is a friendly reminder that we all need to be contributing to promptly removing snow from (walkways, parking spaces, common areas). Many hands make light work!


Don't be afraid to remind them that they are contracturally obligated, if that's true. Then apply the appropriate financial penalty the next time rent is due.


Check your local ordinances, thry may place the inus for sidewalk cleaning on a specific party. For example, in the city of Richmond, Va, it is the person who is in the location, whether that is a tenant or the owner, who is responsible for the removal of snow/ice & treatment of the sidewalk in front of their establishment or abode. So, the entire sidewalk in front of the establishment is their responsibility by ordinance.


If the landlord's refusal to remove snow is legal in your community (not so in mine!) I would plan to move at my earliest opportunity. If snow is removed inexpertly, leaving ice, and someone falls, the landlord will be sued, but so may whoever did the snow removal.


I would say plainly I would greatly appreciate it if you could contribute towards snow removal? Thank you.


You cannot actually do that, except in terms of any laws that may require them to act in any specific manner. Alternatively there are some other options. You can place a requirement into future contracts that you enter into with tenants, both as to new and renewals if the applicable laws currently allow you to do that. In most jurisdictions you could do that, but you may find that a monetary toll is far easier to impose than a physical requirement, due to the fact that some may claim discrimination against them in terms of inability to comply. Similarly you could pay a service to do the work, and then distribute the cost as a rent increase, typically justifiable under most rent controls programs where such limitations exist. If you can show a cost, to meet property standards bylaws, for example, you can justify billing the added cost equitably to the tenants. Typically they would have to pay.


"Contribute to the removal effort,or your space will not be cleared"?


I've given this a lot of thought and totally ignored any legal ramifications.

'Oi! Dickwads, the snow clearing fairy got behind in the rent and got evicted so shift the fucking stuff yourselves'

Hope that helps 🙂

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