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Thoughts on dating for the guys....

Dhiltong 8 Nov 19

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Sounds like REALLY good "weed speak" to me. Over thinkin' a little bit, Bob?


Refusing to give up makes you a stalker.


? Define "easy". Easy would be amazing for once, wouldn't it?


I think this is very true. In today's world everybody is looking for an immediate fix. A perfect person meets perfect person and has a perfect relationship. Life just does not happen this way. we're all damaged difficult people. With online dating instead of working through problems, people are just thrown away for the next profile. People have become like dented cans on a grocery store shelf, if it's not perfect and doesn't look perfect put it back on the shelf and choose another one.


So complicated 😕 (and I'm not even stoned)

Varn Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Not exactly sage advice. Or even useful on any level.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Ain't that the truth!


The whole notion of "easy" women,of "sluts" is bullshit. It's just the infamous old double standard.


I'm not suffering for anyone! That's crap.


IMO this is a sexist perspective on relationships.


And if you replace the words "she" with "he", how applicable do you think it becomes? Sorry, but I haven't met many women who would accept that outlook if it was titled "Thoughts on dating for the gals...."

I wouldn't mind treating a woman like a princess, if she would treat me like a prince.


This may be the only time I feel compelled to disagree with Bob.

If it is suffering that you seek, sure. But there is a difference between pain and suffering.

I will offer as a rebuttal another authority on suffering.

"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional." Haruki Murakami said that. You don't force a relationship. A good relationship in my opinion is probably easy in a sense that it comes naturally. But it will still entail pain. The more meaningful it is, probably more pain. But suffering? I hope not.

I think that was his point. The more meaningful it is ,the more painful it will be.


Love this!

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