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Today, I sat in a debate discussing the pros and cons of the American Affordable Care Act (Obama care), and I truly think that, even though it's a significant needed act, it's a hostage tool used by Government, insurance and pharmaceutical companies against American public. Who will free them?

Humanlove 7 Nov 20

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I didn't understand the American health system and I still don't.

"I had good insurance with a $750 deductible and it was about $75 per month. Now I have a $7200 deductible and it's $100 per month with the subsidy." - Can anyone tell me what that actually means?

Here in the UK, we pay a percentage of our salary into govt and get free at point of entry healthcare. Regardless of previous conditions and don't pay more if we use the system. Why do you see that as a problem in the states?

Being Canadian, it took me a bit to understand it and being an RN it’s heartbreaking to see care denied if you don’t have insurance.
As you can imagine, healthcare is far more expensive than any other developed country. It’s huge business here. A deductible is what you have to put out of pocket before any expenses are covered and then usually at 80%. The premium is what you pay monthly for your insurance.. much like a car. A subsidy is what some people get if they fall under a certain income to help pay for thier insurance. If you work for a large company, you are more likely to get better insurance(group plan) as so many people are paying in and the company helps as well. Once a person turns 65, they become eligible for Medicare. It pays 80% and people buy insurance to assist with the other 20%. You see some politicians pushing for “Medicare for all”. I don’t believe it will do much to help. Ideally it needs to be universal coverage like Canada, UK, France.


If you're as old as me, you will remember what transpired in congress to get that act is nothing like the original one written by the Obama team. It's a mishmosh of special interest crap and tax breaks for the wealthy. That was the only way the Republicrats would pass it. Sure it's nice to have at least something, but it's a band-aid and not the answer.


So were any of the people in the debate people who's only choice is the healthcare market place for insurance? The first year I had good insurance with a $750 deductible and it was about $75 per month. Now I have a $7200 deductible and it's $100 per month with the subsidy.


Medicare for all is the obvious solution. Even Obama is supporting it now that he’s out of office. The ACA still left millions without coverage, and Democrats are apparently totally cool with that. It’s a strange time...

Marz Level 7 Nov 21, 2018

Yes if only we were free to die from preventable conditions and bankrupt ourselves with medical bills. Those bastards.

That’s literally still true with the ACA in place.


The ACA was a big foot in the door but it needs lots of "fine tuning" to actually be helping all of the American people. Part of this will be to get Big Pharma out of the picture so some real good can be done.

My understanding is that it was better earlier on, but Republicans whittled away at it.


I’ll disagree with your statement. I’ve read the ACA in its entirety. One of my biggest criticisms of the act is that it didn’t go far enough. I’ve had to use the marketplace myself a few years ago to acquire insurance while I was doing contract work. The ACA has enabled millions to get coverage that wouldn’t have been able to before and protects those on group plans from pre existing conditions exemptions. Until America does away with insurance companies and goes to a single payer system, they will run the show. It doesn’t matter whether you’re on ACA or a group plan.

You tell them green eyes

Hear, hear.


I disagree but am interested to hear what about the plan or what aspect of the plan brought you to that conclusion.

OCJoe Level 6 Nov 20, 2018

Follow the big money; few politicians care about we wee workers.


Of course it is...why do you think the government was behind it.

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