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Why do you think there are more men than women that are agnostic/atheist?

djs64 7 Nov 25

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Actually, a census of the site was taken a couple of weeks ago and the ratio was right around. 55% males and 45% females. You're just looking in the wrong groups.


i don't think so, so i can't say WHY. i think that is incorrect.



Do you think that is true or is it possible that just more men are open about it? Pure speculation here but I'd be willing to bet that the numbers probably follow the population pretty evenly if everyone was honest about it. I have met more people than I can count that agree with me but "could never admit it to anyone."




I don't think there are. It's more a function of being a dating site. Or presented as a dating site.

That's my guess. 😉


never understood why any women would buy into the misogynistic practices of most religions. They lay it out in spades for all to see and yet women continue to be the biggest practitioners,


Men have traditionally been freer to say what they want. Until very recently women were dependent on the family system to provide for them.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

I don't know why, but I bet as time goes on, there will be a more equal distribution.

Here are some other interesting statistics about atheists: [] I found it interesting that some atheists believe in a god???


Research indicates it is a byproduct of women needing to belong to the support group.


It's been my observation that women tend to be less willing to identify as atheist because they value the preservation of their social contacts more than men usually do. My wife for example is an atheist but reluctant even to accept the agnostic label publicly. It's too confrontational to her.

Also my wife would not understand me spending time discussing and debating here. To her it would just reflect obsession with these topics because of my past in theism, which is a complete misunderstanding of my motivational structure. She's never been a believer, and considers everything connected to it to be a total waste of time. Whereas I find it endlessly fascinating what people get themselves up to, and also, want to help people who are once as I was. Maybe she's been too busy being a Mom, etc., to think existential thoughts, I don't know.


Because it is easier for the oppressors to shake off religion than for the oppressed?




Good question in light of the fact that the predominant religions are based on misogyny.

I am going to blindly guess: because as youth, girls are under additional pressure (must be further controlled) from the religious (misogynistic) families. Those girls are not encouraged to think for themselves.

This assertion is completely baseless and should be weighted as not sufficient factual basis and devalued with appropriate lack of merit.


Community and support systems are generally more important to women than men?

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