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POS Melania Trump Shows off Historically Ludicrous Christmas Decor While Children Are Tear Gassed at Border-What a Way For The White House to Start the Holiday Season- WTF!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 26

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I have a problem with this. First off it is normal when one is such a high profile figure to be constantly damned if you do and damned if you don't. Michele Obama experienced that. With Melania she has the double problem of being married to a despicable husband and most of what she tries to do ends up being criticized. Of course when her husband is spreading so much hate and vitriol there is nothing she can do to counter that. The problem I have is why do we talk about helping others when there are sooo many in our own country are suffering, like the recent victims of the massive fires in California who are also lacking important resources ("that money could be used to house 4 refugee families"). Giving to others should be done from one's excess not when one's own are also suffering. Yes the locking up of children should be severely damned and Melanie should comment on that. If we don't take care of our own first we end up with a tRump for president.


Meh. It's gonna be decorated every year regardless of who is president or or flotus.


Let them eat cake


Too much money and no taste or class. Jeebus when will this ever end?

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