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Anyone want to date me

MichealCoyle 3 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Damn it! I got here to freaking late!! @pralina1 already called dibs on you... Fuck!!!

Keep your litle paws away woman , this cat is mine ! Mine ! Mine ! Mine ! Niiiaaaaaarrrrr! Meeeeooooowwww! Hhhhrrrrrrrrrrrr!

@Pralina1 hiss hiss ??


can't you just pray for a girlfriend?


no thanks 🙂



Xena Level 6 Nov 26, 2018

oh and by the way, is your name really micheal? because that's very unusual. there is nothing wrong with having an unusual spelling for your name but it begs the question of whether that is maybe NOT your real name, and you just don't know how to spell michael.


micheal is irish for michael. is a celtic Gaelic spelling

@MichealCoyle all right. i stand corrected and apologize. i do not want to accuse anyone falsely of being a scammer. i shall not do that on the basis of your name, now that you have explained, although your name was not all that gave me pause, and for that i refer you to my "you're lucky" comment below. but i do apologize for my ignorance of the celtic spelling and any doubt i may have stimulated in anyone based on that.



you're lucky. @John_Tyrrell gave you good advice instead of laughing at you. i was torn, but had i been inclined to give advice it would've been the same advice. no one just wants to date you because you're here, whoop de do! why should anyone? you don't say much about yourself but quite frankly, even if you wrote war and peace, anyone can say anything about themselves, right? the beauty of this site is that we don't have to rely on that. there is an actual community here. you can get to know people and then decide whom you like, let people decide whether they like you, based on your participation here. otherwise it's like walking up to someone in a bar and saying "hey baby," which is a great big turnoff.



Think this post may give you a better understanding about the demographics of the typical user on this site. []


Oh I can't resist this. As an endocrinologist, this question intrigued me. Now just sit back and relax. You're going to feel a little pressure.


Here's a sure thing for a closer relationship with Jesus...


Duke Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

?????????????oh man , I love it Mr duke ??????????omfg

Hahahahahahahahahha! Yes, go there! Bring your bible!

OMFMBG That's amazing!


If you're looking for a sole mate, try a cobbler, or shoe store. You're too young and too far away, and I'm not sure what you believe in.


Dear Michael ,
I can feel it my heart , guts ( especially colon ), that god wants us to be togheter . I think u are the answer to my countless prayers to him . ( too lazy to capitalize , f u , deal with it ).
I am a very god fearing and god loving woman . That's y I joined this site instead of xstian mingle , can u tell , I am smart too .
I like small kittens for breakfast and I get high warching my partner hanging from seiling naked reading from bible to me . Can u do this for me ? Monday/ wedn / Friday if possible . Saturdays I will like to venture out to local church and socialize w other women haters and child molestors . Say yes , and u got a faithful vagina right here !
I do not have a job . I believe the good lord provides some how . I assume u ll be my lord .
Hurry hurry , I want to meet u !
FTS, pralina ?

This is the stuff that you do that makes me get a big ol' smile on my face. 🙂

@Sticks48 hi Mr sticks !! I found the man of my dreams !!! I think will get married soon ♥️♥️♥️ ???

@Pralina1 I thought it was going to be me Ms Pralina. 😟

@Sticks48 what part of I am Christian woman u don't get ? He ll be the husband . U ll be the lover . What's the problem , don't u read your bible ? Everything goes . And . It's always time to ask for forgiveness at death bed and redeem and make it to haven . Hello ? I got this sticks . No worries ?

@Pralina1 WHEW!!!


I came here to get away from Believers. No, I think you're gross.


I'm free for lunch tomorrow


Nah, you are way too young for me. Why are you in such a hurry, after all you are only 30. Enjoy life and don't rush into any relationships. Maybe going out with your friends are getting a bit boring for you. Find a hobby and concentrate on that instead.


No, thank you.


Count me out.

JimG Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Not without knowing anything about you. Besides, you live too far away.

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