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Feeling ambitious and inspired and tired of America! Would anybody be interested in starting a new country with me?

Atlas_Rising 5 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Not right now, thank you.


Can we invade one of the Maldives or somewhere equally sunny and exotic, with few people and yet still has all mod cons?

@Atlas_Rising Ok, who’s providing the funding?

Nothing better than sitting on a beach with a cocktail, discussing how to put the world to rights whilst having black-clad minions build a secret underground base. We need a white fluffy cat, too.

I don’t like the name - you can’t get a decent acronym from TNSI. How about Territory of the Nation of Sovereign Intellectual Leaders (TONSIL)


Might this be "the grass is always greener ..." syndrome ?


I'm not going to abandon my country because things suck right now...I won't leave it to the morons in power. I'll fight!

Xena Level 6 Nov 28, 2018

@Atlas_Rising then you are part of our problem not part of the solution. No matter where humans are...even in that new little country you'd like to create...things will always end up this way and you will always have to fight for something.


I'm holding out for a new planet myself.

Were you planning on storming a small foreign country and taking it as your own? Ala, The Man Who Would Be King?

@Atlas_Rising Were you planning on pooling available cash and buying a sizeable plot of rainforest?

@Atlas_Rising For that... I need a fast ship!


Only if I get to name it the United Republic of Spankyland.

@PalacinkyPDX I'm partial to Spanklings. I haven't designed the flag yet. It would be presumptuous until I get the commission from the duly appointed Secretary of Flags and Stuff.

@Atlas_Rising This news is going to be a bitter disappointment to all the hopeful Spanklings out there.


No more countries, no more borders, no more flags. It's too late in the world ...

@Atlas_Rising I hear you. I'll freely admit that I'm an anarchist, but mostly not the "tear things down" sort (mostly ...) , but the "what can we build that works better" sort. I can't help but think that no form of human self-organization has shed more blood than the modern nation-state -- not the old empires, nor the old tribalism. Of course, we DO need to organize to collaborate, but life is so ever-changing, I like structures that are open, agile, and responsive to circumstances and to those who participate. Maybe I'm agreeing with you, but proposing we could rethink and redesign what a "country" can look like!


Deffo...where to?

@Atlas_Rising hmmm

@PalacinkyPDX Never down south. The new nation must have lots of green and water


Sure, where?

@Atlas_Rising No, all land that I know of is already taken. Someone below pointed out the effort to create floating cities which is the only viable space I can consider.

@mattersauce Have you ever heard of ghost waves? Look them up. I watched a documentary on the weather channel. I wonder what a floating city would do with a 200 foot tsunami out in the ocean just riding around?


I think in about a year i am heading for australia.

@Atlas_Rising I have some wonderful hippie like friends who live in Tweeds. I think i am too old for citizenship, but they say you get 90 day visas and you can stay . They don't care. Tweeds is beautiful.Also, Maria paints as an artist. She also sings with her husband Travis. I adore them. They have a parrot called Bongo Billy. He is really something. I just love him. I am going to see if I Can buy small house or rent. We get a break on their dollar. It is only worth 2/3 of ours.


You start it and once it's going, if I'm still alive, I may join you. I'm too old to start such a long-term project.


I think this one can still be fixed.

I'm sure we could use the help.


Would it be possible to fix our broken country? It would take a lot of work, but it might be worth a shot.


Sure. Let's go to Mars. 😛

and die of carbon poisoning. no thanks.

@PalacinkyPDX That is because the planet mars is the real study male warrior type. He is also the Roman God of War. Venus is the planet of women. She is also a Roman Goddess.

@PalacinkyPDX Mars is too cold. Also, carbon not only bad element in the air. They found a planet similar to earth, but it is in another galaxy. I do not even know if science knows how many galaxies there are? We are the Milky Way. I think the closest is Andromeda. From there I would have to get one of my books out and start looking. I have studied astronomy/astrology for 45 years.

@PalacinkyPDX Venus would burn you tio a crisp.

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