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Are you pro "choice" or pro "life"?

  • 54 votes
  • 3 votes
Chooseluv 5 Dec 3

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Technically I'm both. I prefer that a woman doesn't have an abortion, but it's not business if she does.

But I suspect that goes against the spirit of the poll, so I voted pro-choice.

You are pro-choice then since ultimately you decided that it's not your business. Most of us don't actively want women to have abortions.

@ClaytonE83 Then, if you don't want women to have terminations, as you so state, then the answer is simple, go and get yourself a Vasectomy, problem solved in a 'snip.'

@Triphid weird interpretation of my comment. Read again. I was implying that people generally don't want to go through the process of abortion, its not for fun... I'm pro choice...


I'd go as far as calling myself pro-abortion. It's the only decision I've ever made without a single hesitation or second thought.

Among friends/family/acquaintance I've known a few women who've had an abortion. No one regretted it.


How about pro forcing a woman to go through an unwanted pregnancy or not?


Both. Life should have whatever support it needs. No body needs to be sticking their nose in anyone else's womb under any circumstances.

That's what CHOICE means lifers are zealots for zygotes wanting to prevent menstruation at all costs


The whole pro life moniker is bull shit created to make the pro choice people look evil. Being in favor of life is not taking away a woman's rights. Being in favor of life is not deciding unscientifically when a being has a consciousness. Being in favor if life is not supporting a country that kills its own people, even beyond the court room and with laws and regulations that damage health and safety. I could rant on, but with a current vote of 28 to 1, I am pretty sure I am preaching to the choir so to speak.


I think "pro-life" woudl be better stated as "pro-birth". Because as soon as it is out of the womb, they generally stop caring. Once it is out of the womb, they may actually be expected to do something other than protest or look down their noses, and might actually have to do something positive for another person... and so they disappear.


There is no pro life, only forced birth.

Anti life anti science pedophile rapists certainly kill the evidence when nubile girls are impregnated


Pro life is great, they don't care about children being schooled or fed, assisting any adults at all, allowing immigrants to even live in the same country, but damn you if you don't protect that egg.


"I had a dream that all the babies ever prevented by the pill came back....and they were really pissed." -- Steven Wright


I voted "Pro Choice", because it is a woman's right to have an abortion. But I must voice my protest to the label "Pro Life" as being anti-abortion. I think in the case of a woman with a fetus in her womb, the woman's life takes precedence over the life of the fetus.


It is ridiculous that anyone even bothers asking that question anymore!!! And the way it is worded makes it look people who opt for "choice" like they are almost criminals! It has nothing to do with life itself, it is only about personal choice and autonomy which should be respected like any other human right!

ABack Level 6 Dec 3, 2018

I am pro contraception.
Pro teach sex education.
I read about studies that say abortion go down when we make contraceptions available.

@Chooseluv I do believe in a womans right to choice. But for people to be against abortion and contraception is just ignorant. I was just putting the light on this part of the issue.


I'm pro-mind-your-own-fucking-business.


Most certainly I am Pro-Choice since it IS the woman's body, her property and ONLY her property ergo it IS her choice and no-one else's.


Pro choice all the way


I can't imagine any decision more personal and life changing than the decision to abort. That is exactly why that decision needs to be made by the person most affected.

It truly was not "life changing" (except for the obvious absence of another child) for me, and I suspect it's the same for millions of women who have had abortions.


A lot of my political work centers on the concept of rights. I think choice is fundamental in any democratic society.


There is nothing pro about a medical termination. It is a clinical decision and it is not mine to make.


Pro life people are often kidding themselves, they are often the same people that don't give a shit about people from other countries than them and/or even people in their own country if they don't know them, are a different faith, or people dealing with issues they don't understand or have empathy for like addicts or homosexuals...


It’s not my decision to make so I’m for leaving it to women to decide. Their bodies their decision.
That defaults me to choice I suppose.


Pro Choice.

Anti Abortion would be a much better descriptor for those who are against CHOICE, as proof abounds that after birth, they really only care about lives they can identify with.


I'm pro choice because I'm pro life.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

I prefer post-natal abortion. Give the kid a chance to prove he's an asshole before you off him. Over 18 - murder. Under 18 - just an abortion.


I'm pro living. Anyone alive should be free to pursue and do what's best for them.

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