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It's about friggin time somebody did this. We need to do this to every other country that hates us. We could use the money saved to take care of our own.

RobertMartin 8 Dec 5

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Why did you guys give them the money in the first place?


Source? Or is the picture taken from something else? Let's cut aid to Israel. That only gets us into wars.

Didn't our fearless leaders just pass a law that no one can say shit about Israel anymore?

@Anonbene so I'm about to break the law here.

In the Middle East I know one thing that Isreal, they will likely never be able to put the pal in Palestine


This actually is pretty funny--but is it true?

Carin Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

I look at it this way, the foreign aid that the U.S. sends doesn't benefit the average citizen in those countries. The governments keep the money for themselves.

Do not try to change... your original post do not reflect what you just said. maybe you should be Pondering on Why The Hate instead.

And if that money were kept here depending on the party in power I doubt it would trickle-down to the folks needing it the most anyway.


I have seen this picture before.

I don't think its current or even Pakistani

@OwlInASack Oh dear

@OwlInASack Just practiced my new skill and checked to see what google search says, it links it to a takeaway called 'Foodmaster' in Leeds hahahaha


Are there ANY countries that America hasn't screwed up in some way, shape or form?
Shit, you've even done it in your own country, and done it so well I might add.


That would be the whole world, then...


Perhaps other Countries wouldn't "hate us" if we didn't go into their Countries and fuck them up?????

Ding ding we have a winner folks!


I suspect there’s more to the story. How much aid were we giving them? Why? What was it for? Why was it cut? How much? This is the sort of rabble-rousing crap that gets all the Trumpists excited, then it turns out there’s nothing there.

Seeing how the aid was cut in September...for what other purpose is there to post such a thing?

It is rabble rousing and was not aid directed toward the was military aid to help in the fight against terrorism, especially since Pakistan is a stronghold for it...the people have nothing to do with it

I don't disagree that our tax dollars should be monitored for return on investment...there is doubt that the Pakistani government has made any inroads...

To blame the people is hate/fear mongering at its lowest level...

@OwlInASack citation? Goes to show even more reason to blame governments and not necessarily the people...although, reality is, our US policies are responsible for 75% of regular people thinking we are the enemy...which we probably are...

@OwlInASack the aid that was cut was military, which leads me to believe that the regular people had no cause to riot..associating bad policies of government directly to people only fuels fear and ignorance...I don't doubt that much of humanitarian aid never makes it to the intended parties due to corruption all along the chain...our aid is not has a number of strings think we are helping people out of the goodness of our hearts...we, being the naive

I was not questioning the authenticity of your statement...but as a numbers person, to give a definitive number, the source should be cited since numbers can be easily manipulated or misinterpreted...😉

@OwlInASack Individual intentions are indeed honorable and my belief is that most people truly are giving to those in need...which is why I wanted to point out that this was military assistance to repay the Pakistani government for use of their military forces (maybe...)...the two types of aids should not be conflated...

@OwlInASack I think you can safely say then that your people have more humanity than many of ours...we seem to have lost a lot of our humanity here and are working hard to reclaim it from the assholes that want to inflict their policies on their own people...let alone foreigners in need...

@OwlInASack It truly pisses me off when people from other countries are told to deal with their own issues...the failure to recognize the impact we have as a global community to each other is so backwards and shows the downward slide of our education system...I appreciate the points of view of many from all countries, all walks of life, all points of reference...

We claim to be agnostic, suggesting that there is no afterlife, so we should do our best with this one life...and yet, there are still many who continue to berate others and spill their out their contempt and hate...thankfully, the majority are not like that...thank you for your input and respectful discussion

@thinktwice as far as foreigners go, shouldn't their own governments provide for the people, it shouldn't be up to the U.S. to do all that.

@RobertMartin Of missed the point...the aid that was cut was military aid that was to benefit the USA and others of the free world in the fight against terrorism...the meme suggests that the aid cut was some sort of humanitarian aid for the people of well, it suggests that the Pakistani hate Americans...they hate our policies and America because of it...when you make it against a people it is hate and fear mongering...make it against the systems or the government...

People around the world and how they live impact the lives of all stand by and see others suffer or be under tyranny is a human concern that will affect us in the form of war, famine, disease, climate and environmental changes, etc. By isolating ourselves and every country grabbing only their share of the pie, the balance gets upset and the effects are felt for generations to come. Take a class in global economics to get a grasp of how we are all in this together.

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