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I've never smiled with my teeth.

DenSki 4 Dec 15

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With online dating, every man I met with closed-lip photos had horrid teeth:

missing, black stumps, rotten, brown, gray or yellow teeth, diseased gums, nasty tartar, badly crooked, snaggletooth and/or breath that stank of rotten meat.

UGH. I can't imagine kissing that.

Women want to see your teeth. Show your pearly whites! Women assume:

A nice smile = healthy mouth = good kisser.

Now I refuse to meet men with closed-lip pictures.


Everyone's smile is different. No rule that says you have to show your teeth. All that matters is if it's genuine, because that comes across more than anything.


Well, as long as you aren't smiling using someone else's teeth. That would be disturbing


My natural smile includes my teeth. A couple years ago I was having some dental issues and didn't want to show my teeth. All the photos of me during that time were really bad. My smiles seemed forced or fake... very awkward. ?

You are not your ‘smile,’ but a ‘real,’ lovely person!

@Freedompath Awww... thanks!


How's this? October 2018.


I have same problem, people who show their teeth, seem to have a better smile! And with all the new dental techniques and whiting, a person with a ‘perfect teeth smile’ surely can stand out! But, there is nothing better than a sincere smile...from another person’s lips and eyes! I never wanted to be an ‘ornament,’ anyway!


Yeah I’ve had a hard time trying to get mine to that usually it’s just my lips and cheeks.
But never the teeth little bastards.?

The eyes have it...besides they are the mirrors of the soul!

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