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Bette Midler tweeted ๐Ÿ™‚

NY Attorney General has ordered the Trump Foundation to dissolve. Itโ€™s always SAD to see a charitable organization fold, especially one that gave so much to the childrenโ€” Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr.


cava 7 Dec 19

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Why do we allow such thievery because some children or other needy people are benefiting? If it's rotten it needs to go, period.


Oh yes indeedy.....


She is right on there


The suit seeks to bar all the Trumps from โ€œservingโ€ on boards of New York charitable organizations for life!


Last time I checked Chelsea Clinton isnโ€™t living in duplex in the Bronx either. Not saying that I support the trumpโ€™s but ol Bette and pals can celebrate all they want but Iโ€™ll be sure to find her Twitter when the other ivory tower falls?

Yes, I have a friend who is convinced that the Clinton's Foundation is criminally corrupt. The DOJ is investigating the Foundation, I'll wait to hear what DOJ says. The Clintons' are a couple of notches craftier than Trump, I think.

@cava True very true

@cava The Clinton violations are minor ticky-tack violations in comparison to the Twumps' full-blown corruption.

She is an author, correspondent who worked for years. She also married into money. There is an investigation that has been started into The Clinton Foundation so weโ€™ll see.


Was a checkbook for family expenses and illegal. Wonder if anyone goes to prison over this?

Not sure, I read an article earlier than said something along the lines that Donald will be banned from operating a Foundation for next 10 years and the kids for the next 1 year. Perhaps that was the deal they made?


Totally misread that and I was so disappointed. Then re read it and she is gold.


What's really funny is it never occurred to me that it was meant to be a charitable foundation. Gees.


Midler not Milder ๐Ÿ˜‰

cava Level 7 Dec 19, 2018

@maturin1919 Tks, I don't recall seeing it before....thought the mistake was funny though

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