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This is the New Green Deal: []
And the Democrats blocked it: []
Why would they do that?

altschmerz 9 Dec 22

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Some get what they pay for. Usually the highest bidder.


The Dems, unlike the GOP are not such a monolithic group. The Green Party has been around for years but the GND is new and it has garnered a lot of interest sparked by the Justice Democrats, newly elected Dems.

"More than 40 incoming or sitting House Democrats pledged to support the resolution, and nearly half a dozen senators announced their support for the effort, including at least three likely 2020 presidential contenders." (HP)

It is not clear that the GND's will not be able to form a select committee but Pelosi seems to have to votes to become Speaker, and it will become up to her. Traditional Dems are trying to rebrand their efforts as New Democrat Coalition (NDC) are not so enthused with the GND (same as Clinton's 'New Democrats' []

One of the few stated policies of the GND is need for members who do not depend of Fossil Fuel paraphrase OAC : it is tantamount to putting the foxes in charge of security at the hen house. Of course many of the NDC are very indebted to such industries. And of course there is the free speech aspect.

Corporations in our country have the same free speech rights as citizens, so how do you reconcile this with keeping a Congressional Member who accepts such contributions off of a Select Committee? [I don't agree with the Supreme Courts recent decisions about corporate rights...I think that Corporations' rights are limited to property rights as prior Supreme Courts "... held that corporations had “property” rights but not “liberty” rights.]

cava Level 7 Dec 22, 2018

Corporations have banded together to obtain whatever preferential treatment they can get from the US Legislators, and they spend millions on lobbyists, but I think the electorate is sharp enough to see that candidates who stand against taking this kind of money are worthy of their consideration. I think getting corporate monies out of politics must be the goal of the Dems otherwise they are no different than the GOP, regardless of their specious assertions of difference.


Did you read the article about the freshmen congress orientation being mostly big money lobbyists?

I had this talk with my dad the other Who’s a life long democrat and he actually said something that kinda scared the shit out of me especially coming from him.
He said that the only way to fix this country is to make taking money from lobbyists a felony and to simply eliminate the political parties all together.
Each candidate should get the exact same amount of money to campaign with from a taxpayer pool and no individual donations above $50.

I honestly asked if he was fucking high or having a stroke? This man has chastised me for over twenty years for supporting independent candidates.
So I asked him why the change now? And he muttered something that might’ve been Wikileaks’s 😍 but clearly stated that he no longer believes that our government works for us and quite possibly hasn’t for some time.
And I really should’ve gloated but he’s 70 years old and his generation was supposed to have righted all the wrongs and should’ve finished the job once they were in office but greed is an extreme force one that I wonder if even Cortez will be able resist.

As one who will be 65 in less than a month and a life-long follower of politics I understand completely. I am currently a democrat but not a strong one. I think Jefferson was right and we need to get rid of parties! They reinforce greed and will do what ever to stay in the game. We have a few quisi-leaders, but they all have to feed at the trough of money to stay there!

@maturin1919 True but I still believe that they should be made aware of we really see them instead of bought and paid for media and biased polls maybe they’ll at least act like that we matter.

BTW Brock Samson ??????

I see the point clearly but I agree with your dad.

@maturin1919 Funny you should say that ( cough) because I know where we can get one of those.
It was built in the summer of 2016 but since she didn’t win it’s never made it off this dudes property. And it does work ( 3 deer heads in a row ) so just say when where. ?

@DenoPenno In which way? The 20 years ago or the now dad


I believe that a bunch of people in congress (on both sides of the aisle) attempred to attach pork to this initiative which would outlaw any and all negative speech against the state of Isreal.

No initiative, no matter how vital, usurps the right to free speech. Without the right to free speech, we all might as well use copies of the US constitution to wipe our ass.

and that is pretty much how the Republicans view it anyway what with voter suppression, gerrymandering, imposing Christian dogma by legislation, state legislatures passing laws to limit power to any party but their own. IMHO


Our representatives add pork to initiatives and bills all the time in an attempt to either get said pork passed under the radar or to ensure that the measure is blocked.

I'm thinking that in this case the oil and gas industry ensured the measure died on the vine by having their lap dogs in congress poison it with pork.


Because they have hordeing sickness. Only instead of hordeing far more possessions than they could possibly need, they horde far more money than they could possibly need.

Much like a horder of possessions can't see the dry rot and black mold damaging the foundation of their house and their physical health as well as the well being of the people around them, a horder of money can't see the damage that their incessant greed and hubris does to the foundation of the economy and those who live in the same country that they do.

have you got a source for this belief? everyone adds pork but this sounds like something that was attempted locally in the southwest, NOT like something that happened in congress, and it certainly would not be a bipartisan effort.


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