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I am seeing too damned many cases of people, particularly (but not solely) from people on the political right, being uncivil, and down-right derogatory and mean spirited when they encounter an opinion which differs from theirs. I urge all members on this site, when you see such actions, to stand up for the person being unduly attacked. When it becomes clear that we do not condone such behavior, we will see less of it.

wordywalt 9 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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In the grand scheme of things, it's not that important to get so worked up. From either side. There are so many more things to be concerned about.

Treacher, corruption, dishonesty, abusive conduct and language, and disrespectful conduct MUST be called out and stood up to.

@wordywalt Agreed. But sometimes these things escalate.


I'm so over politics! I do see the right being really upset and bullying. I ignore their talk at work. Such angry at the world people. Maybe there should be two agnostic sites because it's just as important to me when I am trying to meet someone and make a connection that I know they are not religious and not right wind political and not racists.

I am also upset over the behavior of the reactionary right, but I refuse to cede the playing field to them.


Libertarians, in light of their non-belief think they fit in here. Thing is, their politics belong to the believing conservatives.

I despise Libertarian thinking and their politics. And I know that non-belief is the main thing most of them have in common with the rest of us members, but I don't feel lefty or liberal political beliefs should be the only ones welcome here. If they can debate and play in a civil manner here, I 'm glad to have them around, even tho I will always disagree with them on politics. Maybe that's why I mostly stay off the Politics threads.

@TomMcGiverin There are also progressives, independents and centrists. The trouble I've experienced from libertarians is that here is no room for discussion. They are wedded to their dogma.

@JackPedigo Yes, there are centrists and independents here, but I bet they are a small minority on Agnostic. My guess is that most members are towards one of the ends of the spectrum, as are most intellectuals and people with high education levels. My guess is everyone on here is an intellectual, whether they identify as such or not. Following traditional religion is not mutually exclusive to that, but I haven't met an atheist or agnostic yet who is not more intellectual than the average, churchgoing believer. It seems like only intellectuals have the brains and curiosity to question religion and come to figure out what makes sense for them as individuals, otherwise it's easier to just follow the herd.

@TomMcGiverin I would agree that MOST people get to non-belief through intellect and reasoning. But I have also known atheists (ok one in particular) who arrived there largely by rejecting authority, and anything that might try to tell him what to do. He believed in supernatural crap and conspiracies (because the idea that everyone on earth is a pathological liar was consistent with his worldview).

@maturin1919 And yet they are hypocrites who will gladly accept unemployment benefits, Social Security and Medicare when it is offered.


I see you calling out "the opposition" on their incivility, and I raise you calling out your teammates on theirs.

I said mainly, bit not solely. I am calling out for action in all such cases.


I agree. I think I was just referred to as a cry-baby Lib. Really, name calling. Merry forking christmas

Yeah. KKGator and I have both been beset by some reactionary in Oklahoma today who keeps attacking both us. Between the two of we have called his actions what they are and turned aside every comment with facts and reason, but he is still trying.

@wordywalt I don't know where this guy is from, but he's a pill.

@HippieChick58 When someone starts an attack on you, send me a message indicating which posting it is, and I will gladly join the fray!

@wordywalt That is so kind of you!! Thank you! I will remember that. You just made my night. ?

@HippieChick5 Maybe you, KKgator and I can form a 3-person tag team that can give some of these turkeys more than they are bargaining for. That would be fun!

I am not on the political "left." I think I remain civil in most discussions on here. In discussions with people on here, I have been called childish, obtuse, and an idiot, by some who disagreed with my statements. Also, some use ad hominem attacks, rather than reason. But, for the most part, people are civil.

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