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Do you have an ex you are still friends with?
It doesn't have to be your most recent ex.

Sirena 7 Jan 3

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Yes , my high school girlfriend and my college gf . Both on facebook. But just fb friends.


My ex is the father of my children. We divorced in 73. My second husband could not stand him because he ignored his children both financially and emotionally. After my husband died, I started inviting him to Holiday events so my children would not have to make two stops when they come to Oklahoma. I did my best during my children's upbringing to never bad-mouth him. This Christmas my son brought tears to my eyes when he told me thank you for inviting daddy Mike to dinner that way I don't have to stop and see him on the way home. He said in a way I love him but he was a piss-poor daddy and he is a piss-poor human being. I asked him why he said that and he said Mama I know you told him if he would just start coming to see us you would never file on him for back child support. I never told my son that but somehow he figured it out on his own. Are we friends? No but I've always tolerated him and tried to keep my opinions of him to myself because I didn't want my children to ever think their father was a bad person. Obviously I failed.

Good for you! ?

You did not fail. They saw through


Yes. Definitely.


I’ve never married, but as far as I know, I’m still on good terms with just about everyone I’ve ever known. I don’t do “enemy”.

skado Level 9 Jan 3, 2019

Good for you!




My only bad breakup was in high school and that was a very long time ago. I don’t see the point, if it doesn’t work out, it’s not meant.


Yes, even the ones who I still think are assholes. They know too but we are still on friendly terms.


No. Tried that, but learned to keep my distance. By trying to continue with friendship, my exes seem to hound me constantly about getting back together. Don't need that.

Saw my ex-husband on Christmas morning, as he came to watch the grandchildren open gifts. Was civil to him, but not too warm, as I know he reads too much into any kindness. Was a relief when he left.


Yeah, I just had New Year's dinner at my ex-wife's house with both of the kids there. Been divorced 9 years after 28 being married, and everything in the relationship improved the minute she walked out the door.


Oh hell no!!

CMan Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

No, not friends but we have kids together so I am civil out of consideration for them.


Yes, mostly. However, it took several years before the first ex (father of my daughter) and I became friendly acquaintances, but it's all good now.


One of my exes friended me on facebook. I haven't seen him in person though. And another ex, Jim, and I are friends again. We weren't friends for a long time after we split but after I divorced my husband, I'd run across Jim in the grocery store or at funerals and we have become friends again. He ended up married to a hoarder and none of his kids like her.

My ex husband on the other hand would likely get punched in the face if I ran across him again. From what people have said, he's moved so I don't have to worry about going to jail.


More than one - yes. Not only friends with them - but their present mates.

Then there's a couple that are best gone for good ...


Some of them yes, and some no. Kinda of like with anyone.


No, I am not sure if the first is still living and second one, certainly not. Still way to raw after 2 years, but I would love to be.


I’m still on good terms with my ex - we can easily share a family type meal with no troubles.


We have children together. While I realize it's a personal choice, I find it easier to navigate life if I know where the black hole is, and it's position is not constantly fluctuating as it did during the 8000 year time dilation (aka marriage).


Yes. My ex-girlfriend of 9 years will be stopping by later today. I helped her raise her daughter and a couple of really good pets along the way. Plus it's really convenient in case someone's car breaks down or someone needs a house or petsitter. That's about the extent of the Friends With Benefits situation between us. Good friends but a really bad couple.


Nope, no, hell no!


Yes. I'm still friends with my most recent ex. We talk and go out together several times a month. I've taken her kayaking, ziplining, hiking, to shows, movies, festivals, and a wide variety of events.

I pay for everything. I'm programmed not to expect a woman to pay on a date and these outings qualify as dates, at least to my way of thinking.

It's possible that I'm stupid though.


We have not been a couple in 3 years but we talk at least ounce a month.
We are not compatible romantically but share many other interests
My atheism was a contributing factor to our breakup
She has now moved to the other side of Canada so have not had an in person visit since I visited her in BC over the summer
I miss her, but not romantically, that part of our lives together is over


Yes. My ex and I are still friends (only have 1 ex). We simply grew apart as married people after 25.5 years. We divorced and split our possessions in peace. We had joint custody of our son. She handled the divorce -- only cost us 50 (basic filing fees).


No, but I only really have 2 exes. First was abusive so that's a big hell no. I was married for over 20 years and we amicably divorced a little over a year ago. I wouldn't go so far as to say we're friends. But if we run into each other around town we'll have a 5 minute conversation catching up on each other's family, etc.


Yes we are better friends now


I was until he passed away nearly three years ago.

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