The new House has been sworn in, Pelosi is the new Speaker, maybe NOW I can allow myself some hope that President Buttplug will finally face some oversight at the very least and impeachment if all the stars align.
Now let's see what happens.
We live in "interesting" times, and it is likely to kill me!
This is my hope as well. I've read some interesting things lately that 2019 will be the year of Cheeto's downfall. The Mueller investigation will come too close to home for the First Grifter Family, and he will be out by the end of the year. Wouldn't that be one hell of a celebration?
Don't expect too much but send "thoughts and prayers" anyway, just for the hell of it.
I'm not looking for miracles, just...something.
I'm not getting my hopes up.
Impeachment means nothing unless the Senate votes to convict and remove.
House oversight, on the other hand, might just be enough to drive him to resign, or drop dead. I'm fine with either.
I'd prefer to see him resign then get hammered by all these lawsuits and investigations going on until he's so miserable he curses the day he chose to run. Then rot in jail until he dies from a venereal disease he contracted from a prison rape.
@Sgt_Spanky All that would be nice, but I just want him gone. Sooner than later.
He won't see prison time on any federal charges which might be brought. Pence will pardon him.
However, he could see prison time from State charges which might be brought. Presidential pardons don't cover State charges. That's what I'm hoping for.
@KKGator As am I. Come on, State charges!
I'd still like to see him get impeached even without a Senate conviction, just to get it on the record: In 2016 a minority of voters somehow managed to elect as president of the most powerful country in history, an imbecilic, insane, asshole. I want that recorded in the history books for all of posterity to marvel over.
Yes, been watching it all morning. I am so freaking glad Kevin McCarthy is not SOTH. I can't stand that nasty nasal voice of his!!!! Go Nancy, go kick some repub ass!!!!
Live in hope but I somehow doubt anything will happen. Donald will just tweet more. Not that much difference between the democrats and the republicans that I can see. Both serve big business and their own pockets.
This is why I temper my expectations with a healthy dose of reality. I fully expect to be disappointed by bureaucracy and the glacial pace of change. Pelosi isn't my choice for speaker being she's an establishment Dem but she's better than that scumfuck, Ryan. I will hope for the best while not actually expecting it. There has to be SOME improvement.
Anyone who can take a look at our insane president and his boot-licking Senate Repubs and still say they're both the same really needs to get their eyes and head examined!
@jerry99 That's not what she said.
@Jolanta You're kidding, right?
March 21, 2010: The Senate's version of the health-care plan is approved by the House in a 219-212 vote. All Republicans and 34 Democrats vote against the plan.
March 23, 2010: President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act into law.
BTW, the Dems are also responsible for getting us Social Security and Medicare. Guess who opposed that?