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I find it shameful that on this site dedicated to finding the truth about various ideas that inquires are labeled as trolling by other members. In addition, those who imply trolling, do not seem able to defend the inquiry or accept criticism of their ideas.

Marine 8 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe we should use this word instead when someone is deliberately shit-posting?

Provocateur - one who provokes

definition: []


Troll/Snowflake/Trump Supporter/ReThuglican - I've seen all of those and more lovely words bandied about.

Yesterday it was "Mansplaining". (And yes if you do Mansplain for real - someone will call you on it - but when you're actually making a comment and not doing that? Gees!). I ended up blocked too. Kinda okay with that outcome. That is one judgmental person.

I wish when people disagreed they said "I disagree - this is why". Yes we get angry about disagreements when they hit where we live - but name calling - is going to end a conversation as fast as anything can.

Enough with the name calling. It's the reason I do so little FB. If I'd heard SJW or Snowflake one more time? I swear. ... Labeling as a way to belittle someone? Does not take a great mind.

@Gooniesnvrdie I'm pretty sure that's "Florida Man?" my sister says they have electric scooter lanes down there in FL?
Some of those southern states scare me.


Keeping an open mimd is well and good but mind that it isnt so open your brain falls out. Nonsensical, oft repeated and poorly thought out ideas ARE going to be torn to bits on a site filled with educated free thinkers.

We found a marble on the kitchen floor the other day ... Me "So that's where that went!". 😉

Lol "mind" but keeping an open mime is good too.



These days anyone who has a different opinion is called a troll.

To my mind, name-calling is never anything but an admission of the inability to construct a rational argument.

skado Level 9 Jan 18, 2019

Only if it's a spade.


I think it truly depends on what you're "inquiries" are, the response you're going to get. First of all, anybody who tells me they're "dedicated to finding the truth," usually ends up trying to proselytize me in that "they've found something" that I'm just not seeing because I'm closed minded.

There are a lot of topics that don't play well on this site... as it's a site dedicated to reason and science. Astrology, Law of Attraction, universal consciousness, everlasting hellfire, Nickelback... and most of your basic new age stuff... Oh, did I mention Nickelback?

Most of the trolls I come across are pushing one of those issues, and trying to convince the rest of us they're true. I think that's where the "breakdown" happens.


I don't get the hating on nickelback

@RavenCT Well played. 😉

@Lucy_Fehr: It's kind of a "thing" if you were into music back in the late nineties and early aughts. It's kind of a running joke.

@Benthoven I know - I meme. And I'm that old too... I might just have one CD.... They aren't THAT terrible... 😉

@RavenCT I agree... and I like the song you posted. And... don't tell anybody, I have a few of their songs in one of my playlists... "Shhhhh"

@Benthoven Me too. I'd never post terrible music... Well unless it was somehow relatable...

@Gooniesnvrdie We know - we know.... they were terribly overplayed.


It seems the term troll is used used pretty loosely in a lot of these comment threads.........

So you would disagree that some folks on here, and the internet ion general, are only making inflammatory comments because they want to elicit an angry emotional response, and that said inflammatory comments are actually adding to the conversation by attempting to open a dialogue? I disagree with that assessment and with the word being loosely thrown around. When the bridge fits, I'm calling troll.

@Kafir No, there are definitely some on here that fit that term. But I've also seen commenters I'm familiar with being called a troll simply because they disagree with someones point of view...


Recently I was accused of trolling which was not the case. I was truly interested in finding out how they would apply their position in light of some common sense . No one took on the debate I was looking to have rather they took offense that i would question their idea. I have no problem defending my ideas and would welcome the challenge because it would allow me to expand my knowledge and perhaps change my position regarding a particular issue that I had not considered. Is it wrong to seek this kind of knowledge?

I don't know if it was always this way or if it's just this way in the age of social media. It is disturbing though. People don't want any type of challenge. They want an echo chamber of people who stroke their egos. I don't think there is any growth for an individual or for society that way though.

@MissKathleen I would say common sense is what the majority of people would state

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