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I read this earlier today. I am not sure exactly where I stand on the subject, while being broadly in favour. It centers on the discussion in Holland. I think it may trigger some thought and discussion.
It is fairly long for a newspaper article (part of a feature titled the "long read".
I was not sure of the best destination.

Andy4608 7 Jan 18

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I have to say as a nurse, I fundamentally disagree with euthansia. Medical science is improving all the time. What commonly killed people 50 years ago (like TB) is easily treated today. No one lives in a vacuum and social pressures affect us all. I remember caring for someone who said he wanted to die when he heard his daughter decline a night out due to her caring responsibilities for him. Had my Mum lived now (a mere 15 years since she died) she would have survived. I do not believe my life is more important than any other living creature, but it is for those who love me. As for relieving the suffering of the mentally ill, no...a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There again, its like medical termination...not my decision to make.


Euthanasia for patients experiencing unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement...I'm all for it.


We've had this debate before -maybe under Religion and Spirituality or assisted dying.


May decide to pull the plug while I'm still ahead of the game, so to speak.
If there is a hell I experienced it on one of the 3 nights I've spent in hospital. Moaning & shrieking all night & the bastard male nurse would not give me a sleeping pill. I had had a prostatectomy that day.
There was no way that I was going to spend another night in that hospital even though I was told by the nurse that patients that have that procedure stay at least two nights & often three.
My urolugist saw me in the morn & I told him I was leaving one way or the other. I still.had IVs & a drainage tube sticking out of my abdomen. He had me disconnected & much to my wife's astonishment I was ready to leave when she arrived to visit me at 10 AM.


Perhaps I will make a grand and joyous exit via self-cremation, thereby thwarting the greedy medical and funeral industries. It’d be illegal as hell, and that’s another bonus—thumbing my nose at meddlesome bureaucrats. 🙂


It is nobody els business if I want to end it for whatever reason whenever.


I am very much in favor of a person being able to make the choice.


Great read from the great Guardian. I will rely on no doctor for my end if it goes as planned. My research goes back to the Hemlock Society which has since changed its name. I go it alone in most endeavors. I will in this one also if I can.


I'm a proponent of euthanasia for humans. However - with the caveat that it be chosen by the person - not forced upon them by society for conveniences sake. That's where it would get hairy.

There is such a thing as untreatable pain and conditions no one wants to survive with. But beyond that are some very grey areas.

I want to be able to have the choice. I do not want it to be doctor ordered.

I don't want my family to have to do it. I want to be able to decide. Or to have a proxy written that decides. However not in a state that permits this.

So I'd have to relocate if the situation arose. Sigh.

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