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Any Pastafarians here? What are your general thoughts on it? We two have very different views on it. Rory thinks that satire can be one of the best ways of getting people to think, but Amy feels like it's replacing one set of nonsensical rituals with another set. It's not a source of conflict in our home, but we were wondering what others here think about it.

RoryandAmy 4 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I admire pastafarians for sending up the church and making people think about the limits of faith and belief, but I largely agree with Amy that we are better off sticking with the truth.


I relished being touchedby his noodly presence. Intriduced to be by a couple paleontologists I worked with.


I happen to be a Dudeist priest. May I be the first to admit that I could believe in the FSM especially if there was a Floating Fork nearby...

Nothing but respect to Dudeists.


I agree with Rory. Anything that gets people looking at things in a new light is good. It's hard to burn someone at the stake if you're laughing.

Mare Level 4 Jan 19, 2019

I like that the FSM spoke to a physicist!


I agree with Rory. Ramen.


Either you have a sense of humor or you don't.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 19, 2019

No, the FSM is very real! R'amen!


While it may be replacing one set of nonsensical rituals with another set, one set is admittedly nonsensical while the other, although just as nonsensical, is accepted as real and has enormous damaging affects/effects on society.


It served its political purpose well. The fact that people took it up afterwards in mock seriousness is delightful, and productive. It would be hard for anyone to take it seriously enough for it to become detrimental though, I would think.

skado Level 9 Jan 19, 2019

What in the name of Odin is a Pastafarian?

@maturin1919 Thank You 🙂

Odin and the Dude abides.

@jlynn37 I'll see you in Valhalla my friend 🙂

@ipdg77 I will meet you at the great hall of Odin.

@jlynn37 Skol! 🙂

Pastafarians are people who believe in the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), a belief system that some would call a stinging satirical critique of religious beliefs (especially, but not exclusively, conservative Christianity). Pastafarians believe that the FSM created the universe 5,000 years ago, that humans are descended from pirates (we share far more DNA with pirates than we do with primates), and that heaven has a beer volcano and a stripper factory. Their most sacred holiday is Friday and they honor their lord the FSM by eating pasta and dressing like pirate (especially on holidays like Friday, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Pastover).

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