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For those of you outside of the United Kingdom. We still don't know what Brexit-Britains departure from the European Union is yet with just about two months to go.

Sofabeast 7 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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The arch eurosceptics are stirring up the right wing nut jobs by saying that it we have a second referendum there will be civil unrest. Nonsense, we will just have another cup of tea.

Let us drink the tea before it becomes rationed post Brexit


You want us to send you Trump? He'll propose a big, beautiful wall to build down the middle of the English Channel--to keep out the Guatemalans. 30% of your population will love the idea.

As for this Trumpty-dumpty wall, I thought that Mexico was going to pay for all of it. So why is he squealing to government for money to build it?

@Sofabeast Because the memory of the public only goes back a couple of hours. They don't remember who was going to pay for what when.


So where will they be moving the country to? Hopefully to a better climate.

Ah, we've tried that before... Canada! LOL


As an outsider looking on while trying to navigate through donalds criminalistic world, I can only empathize with what Brits are dealing with. I get the impression that the U.K. has done quite well while in the E.U. I can understand that along with the positives there will be negatives, but were those negatives so powerful?

The problem is immigration. Eastern Europeans coming over here taking the jobs that Britons won't do, then paying their taxes and not claiming benefits (welfare). Fair enough, there some problems caused by immigration, but they appear to be outweighed by the benefit to the country as a whole. It's a problem of perception and the effects of mad-mass-media stirring up the fuckwitted members of the public who remember a time when Britain ruled the waves, and everyone was polite to pensioners and that nice Mr Hitler is sorting Germany out..... Well, that was what my research in sociology class this morning indicated.

@Sofabeast in a nutshell. Let's make Britain great again. When we had an empire. Child labour was the norm,only men could vote and life expectancy was around 50 years.

@Sofabeast That is pretty much the view I had formed from what I have learned. Too bad. A case of cutting the nose off to spite the face. The good ol days were never all that good.

@Sofabeast Thats pretty much what I thought.So sad, what a mess.


Why don't they let the people vote on it again. I get the feeling it wouldn't pass this time.

@irascible That is too bad.

No, you cannot let the people vote on the matter, that would be... and I quote 'Undemocratic' hahaha. I'll have to sort the reference for that, as I'll be needing to quote it in an assessment next week!


As an American surviving through a politically manipulated clusterfuck of our own, I greatly empathize with your situation. I really, really hope your country is able to pull off an eleventh-hour solution to your craziness.

That appears unlikely. As for Trumpty-Dumpty, I'll be studying him next academic year. In the meantime, I have an assessment next week which was timed so we would know what Brexit is going to be... The laid plans of the SQA and men!


We're screwed.


I think it can be summed up fairly succinctly as "a massive clusterfuck". I'd be looking forward to saying "I told you" so in five years when leavers realise remainers were right all along, but I'm really not looking forward to surviving on rats and moss.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

Rats and moss! Have you been stock piling? I'm currently on biscuit crumbs and belly button fluff!

@ipdg77 There's quite a good growth of moss on the roof, and a helpful pair of crows like digging it up and throwing it on the patio so I won't have to climb up there. I imagine rats will be even more common by mid-summer as society crumbles and they thrive on the detritus.

@Jnei lol An inspirational quote if ever I saw one! 🙂

Professionally, we prefer the word Fucktangle…. Now I have an assessment on Brexit and the inevitability of Scottish Independence. The SQA seemed to have thought that the deal would have been done and dusted by now when they set the question two years ago...

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