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For those of you with extensive knowledge of U.S. politics:

I have not paid a lot of attention to politics until recently but had a thought/question yesterday:

what is the likelihood of the government shutting down again in 3 weeks? Will Trump stand his ground again or will he just quietly drop it?

I personally think he will drop it and find some other issue to occupy his base but admit that could very well be wishful thinking.

Edited to add the following: By recently, I mean the last couple of years.

Lucy_Fehr 8 Jan 27

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the question should be for those knowledgable of the psychological make up of tRump


I think he is going to declare his national emergency and is not above shutting it down again


He will declare a national emergency and do an end-run around congress. He has to. His ratings are diving and he cannot capitulate again, lest he bears the rath of his base and conservative commentators like Coulter and Limbaugh. He is being blamed for the shutdown as he should, and his party's support will crumble as it did absolutely nothing but waste a ton of money and brought hardship to federal workers. This way he can claim victory (and he will, no doubt), although doing this means the wall will never be built. It will be in litigation for years.


the whole row was a futile run around the barnyard because of the semantics of his language. He lost the fascist takeover bid. They can now negotiate what Trump could have already accepted when he had control of both "houses". Dems want spending of more police state, too. Most of the barrier they need is already there. It's just a base puff-up of MAGA hats.
There won't be another shutdown. Not in the next couple of years.
Too costly.



Impressive … I’d say everyone ‘up to here’ has it right..

Varn Level 8 Jan 27, 2019

I don't think he will do it again, either. He knows that it would kill him politically. What he will do is to falsely pretend to snatch an empty victory from the real jaws of defeat.


He will start a war somewhere...

yeah maybe priming the pump for Venezuala


History works with normal people, where you can more or less make data based predictions. Orange turd is an unpredictable cretin, the only thing that is certain with this asshole is that he will screw things up again and again ad infinitum until we impeach the motherfucker or at least vote him out of office!


he will paint it like he won when the Dems authorize money for "border security" that includes some wall-like structure somewhere.


Trump will lather up his base with which ever issue his handlers instruct him to, in which ever way they order him to. If his handlers want another government shut down in three weeks, then there will be anorher government shut down in three weeks.


it is, alas, likely, unless we continue to make our feelings known in the strongest possible way. the democratic house has already introduced a bill to prevent future shutdowns but the senate is not likely to pass it -- hell, mcconnell is not likely to bring it to the floor for a vote at all. so it's anybody's guess. trump is just stupid enough to try again.


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