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If someone states they hate the ballet, or video games, or art, or any number of other things no one bats an eye. Announce you hate sports and people treat you like you just killed their grandmother. This is frustrating.

CommonHuman 7 Jan 28

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I know exactly what you mean. In Australia sport is pretty important. I was told before I got here (in Victoria) to choose an AFL team to be accepted! It’s worse to bag the Australian cricket team than declare the insanity of Christianity. I have total empathy.


What people? Is this an american thing. I know plenty of people who aren't keen on sports and no-one who thinks that's a big deal.


This is terrible, in management one better play golf or tennis or some how you are not management material.


Lol I completely understand that. Don't worry its not you.


I don't hate sports -- it just seems like an incredible waste to me. Why do we pay grown men (and now women) millions of dollars to play children's games?

What grinds my gears is that waste of money often comes at taxpayer expense, whether we want it or not.

@bingst Taxpayer funded football stadiums is fucking insane!

@jerry99 What about all the crap governments (taxpayers) pay for in order to host the Olympics?


I know!
Dont hate it.. just not into it where i know players and stats.


Well of course! What's your point!? Lmao


I noticed that, early on in life. Once, when a co-worker asked "Who are the Lions playing this week?" My response was "The Christians! Next week, they get to play the Goths!" Of course, everyone within earshot just stared dumbfounded at me.


I will say the same thing about how ones feels about pets, especially dogs.


Sport is necessary lest the visigoths among us have no outlet for their hostilities & testosterone overload.


Sports and everything involved,is tightly interwoven in the US lifestyles. Myself,I like to watch a good game of pool,the shots, angles, and how the players direct the cue ball.Basketball,Baseball,and Football,do not hold any interest for me,nor does Hockey. I'd rather go read a good book,or a Technical manual.


My cable provider keeps trying tto sell me sports channels.I want nothing to do with them,


I hate sport...

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