11 4

I put on a lot of weight when I was in Montana. The food there is greasy and salty. And everybody drinks. I went from a size 0 to a size 1 within the year! Glad to be back east. UMass has a gym!

nixjoiner 4 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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EDITED FOR TYPOS (and to attempt to tone down this comment, but then getting mad again and ratcheting it up a bit instead). Yo everybody that's negative hashtagging and commenting, why so harsh? I'm no expert, but I'm guessing there are other explanations for this post than those you are offering. I just looked back at a post I made earlier and saw a few autocorrect and typing errors. Could that be the case here? Would you feel good about yourself for roasting this person over a typo? And what if it wasn't a typo, what if she lived the last 22 years at a size 0 without wavering and then all a sudden she's a 1? Wouldn't that be kinda surprising? And I read below someone say that from 0 to 1 is like 5 pounds (can someone confirm that?), and isn't it true that some designers use different sizes, i.e. a 0 by one brand is different for another brand, so maybe the weight change was twice as much, or more, than you guess? And depending on her current weight, that may be a large percentage of her overall weight, and thus takes a lot more for her to gain than others. And isn't it widely known that something like 99.9% of people (particularly people expressing as a women) don't have a reason-based relationship with their body, so even if it's not something that you would find a big deal, can you really say that she doesn't think of it as a big deal? And maybe, it's not just one of these things, but all of these things, and a thousand things more... genes, hormones, attachment style, tribe type from 10,000 years ago, millions of things that affect someone's behavior. And those of you that took her comment personally, as if she was saying that you weren't hot because you were a different size, I don't think she said that or implied that at all. I think you read that into this. And holy fuck folks that are trying to figure out her BMI from her picture. How the fuck can you do that? And "#anorexic"?!? If the fuck she was, A. it's none of your damn business; B. but if she was, how the fuck do you think she would feel being publicly labeled like that? And in the end, why the fuck am I having to pound out a reasonable defense against a quick to judge mob on an agnostic site? This shit is why religious people suck! You certainly are not making a welcoming environment here!

Alistair its a fake profile...hence the roasting. Any genuine person would only receive respect here.

Lol. We have a raging SJW in our midst. Defending a fake profile is always a “righteous cause”. Hahaha

@Amisja I really hope it's a fake profile(!), but that's not my opinion. If I can ask, how certain are you (in say a percentage) that it's fake? And what evidence do you have to justify that percentage? And I guess we need to ask what do you mean by "fake?" Because #humblebrag is popular below, and you used #attentionseeking, both of which makes me think that people think it's a real profile, but that she's bragging, and thus roasting her is justified.

@SkotlandSkye, if this was not a fake profile, would my words be appropriate?

@Gooniesnvrdie, please enlighten me. I am totally willing to admit--and in this case, hopeful I'll have to admit--that I got suckered; but at this moment, I don't see it.

@AlistairX Alistair, I guarantee this is a fake profile. We have group who examine all potential scammers.


I just realized she says it took her a YEAR to go from size 0 to size 1. Uh-huh.

Its nonsense. I could put that much weight on after a large bag of chips! (French fries)


Oooh one of the tags that came up with your post is #attentionseeking. Fancy that!

@maturin1919 and #anorexic

@maturin1919 The model in the picture is a normal sized individual. I'd estimate a BMI of 22, well within normal ranges. I have looked after girls with BMIs of 13, one of 11...beyond what is viable for life. Height wise, I can't tell but she isn't underweight.

@maturin1919 Its the best we have. I can generally extimate BMIs fairly accurately.


So learn to cook and don't eat out. I'm pretty sure they sell all kinds of not greasy or salty food in the stores.


First thought I had when I saw this post


Size 0 to 1 is too thin. Eat something.


Any chance of converting US size 0 and 1 into UK sizes. In the UK what you said means you went from invisible to very tiny indeed lol 🙂

Size 6 to size other words 12 year old girl

@Amisja Could you convert that to actual measurements in inches? lol

@bingst Very very tiny. Not really the size of an adult woman (who eats food)

@Amisja I looked at her pictures, and she doesn't seem that tiny.

@bingst I agree. As a clinician we look at these things differently


You're complaining about going from size 0 to size 1? Seriously?

@maturin1919 Exactly.

@maturin1919 "Humblebrag" Great word


Size 0 ?. Does that mean that you are invisible


U Mass is the perfect place for you then!

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