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Polar Vortex Is Here Again. Yes, Connected To Global Warming. [] via @HuffPost

Charliesey 7 Jan 30

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I'm at the point that the next person who makes a crack about "so much for global warming..." I'm going to punch them in the face.


This really reminds me of The Day After Tomorrow... crazy temperatures in Minnesota (-30 C) and Chicago (-26 C) according to my weather app and the BBC newscast a few minutes ago.

Crap movie.


This 'Polar Vortex' is nothing new, just another hyped name for undulations in the jet stream.


This was predicted. Hotter summers over the world, not everywhere, and mixed up winter weather all around. Our East coast has been getting wetter winters, which means some cold ass, snowy times.


If you look at the history of the jet stream patterns none of this surprises me at all ?


Take the loooooong view of climate.


The BBC News article...


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