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Let's stop protecting the superwealthy. This is a no brainer.

Lukian 8 Jan 31

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America's no-brainer is squatting in the White House.


The inflated importance of supply side economics is a fallacy cooked up by grifters, con artists and incompetent, self-absorbed entrepreneurs who would otherwise be one misguided, poorly executed business venture away from irrelevance.

The business world is survival of the fittest, and the only way those who are not truly fit can keep their status is by convincing those who are even less fit that they are “too big to fail”.

The truth of the matter is, any big time, wealthy entrepeneuer can be replaced at the drop of a hat. If the old guard fails, then the void they leave will quickly be filled by another entrepreneur. And hopefully one who has a better understanding of the fact that they aren’t as important as the person whom they replaced believed they were.

almost all billionaires are from wealthy families (i.e. 45). Wealth breeds wealth. Self-made billionaires are a myth.


Damn. That was on point!


The Wealthy and the Uberrich have the power and the lobbyists to 'persuade' governments to leave loop-holes in the Taxation Systems that should ethically be sealed shut.
For example, IF a government decides to give everyone a taxation cut of 5% then it simply means a person earning $10 per hours gets a measely 0.05cents per hour extra after taxes BUT the Wealthy, etc, earning $1,000 per hour gets an extra $50, yes FIFTY Dollars, per hour AFTER taxes, ergo, the less you earn the less of a 'tax break' you actually get. IF you don't believe me then work it out for yourselves.
I ask you, IS that truly a FAIR DEAL, shouldn't it be the other way around, i.e. the lower your income the GREATER the tax break you get?
And before some POOR little rich boy/girl jumps up screaming like a stuck pig, one of my many qualifications IS that I'm a Qualified and retired Chartered Book-Keeper and Accountant.

Nope! Should not work that way at all. Some of the most jealousy ridden, nonsense ive read since being on this site.

Now where is that Bullshit Emoticon?

@BryanLV No my friend no jealousy this way at all, just facts, pure and simple FACTS.
Besides the 'Bullshit Emoticon' perhaps, and in my opinion, we may also need a 'shoveling away the Bullshit' Emoticon for when certain people post such utter dribble, don't you agree?


First of all thank you for sharing that video, it was very moving.
I disagree about the jobs moving. But I also think everyone has to make an effort. We are not talking about taxing more someone who makes $10 an hour, we are talking about taxing more someone who makes $10,000 an hour because they are exploiting the people making $8-9 an hour. That is the real problem. Redistribution also helps growth. Look at the Nordics, they do not have super high unemployment and the unemployed people are better off financially that people employed in the US. lets not focus on Unemployment, it hides under-employement or under payment!


This is low hanging fruit. It's easy to blame the rich, but it's a fake argument. If you turn the US into a tax farm, more so than it already is, you will all be looking for jobs. Your jobs will go away to Asia, India and Mexico. This is plainly obvious as it has happened before. He didnt tell that history, though.

Americans do not control the tax structures for the entire planet. The US will quickly become a 3rd world country with most people being impoverished by the very government they worship.

There is no difference between rich people, you or anyone else. They are just highly productive people. They are so productive, in fact, that they not only create jobs for themselves, they create jobs for you and dozens, hundreds or even thousands of other people.

While the people who can not produce their way out of a paper bag (recall those?) sit and complain about the very rich people who help them feed themselves, and their families and in many cases their friends families as well. Other countries are clamoring to give these people a cheap labor force and zero to no taxes. Especially when they create a huge taxable pool of lower level employees.

Wealth is not a zero sum game. Rich people do not constrain wealth for the rest of people. There is plenty to go around if you are productive. Rich people are not the enemy. Governments are.

SCal Level 7 Jan 31, 2019

Sorry my friend BUT all I can say to your comment is Where is the " Bullshit Emoticon", in my opinion it IS sorely needed here.

the uber-wealthy make the government rig the system.

Seems like youre saying the way the system is used is wrong. Which is my point. Only govt can force you to do things. Businesses can't force you to buy their product..

A sane and sensible man in this group??? I can't believe it!!


Thank you...that is what we are up against, ignorant wealthy people who are only looking at if people were just apples in a bushel basket! They have been reduced down to numbers! The desire of individuals to have a complete life, does not compute in the minds of the Wealthy CEOs!


I just got done saying that we should all turn on them.

@Gooniesnvrdie No, it's not likely most of us would.

most major revolutions in history came on the heels of inequality

@Lukian, they are focused on keeping us placated. And we're doing it. It has always amazed me what human beings can acclimate to.

And @KKGator: Can we please stop equating female sexual organs with weakness? Please?

@Nottheonlyone Probably not.

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