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The ideal woman’s body?

MissKathleen 9 Feb 18

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The ideal woman's body is the one she has !


My perfect female form was the nude pictures of Norma Jean in Playboy.


This article makes no sense. A scientific study to find an objective answer to a subjective question?


I had always thought Mae West had the closest to ideal.


There is no ideal body for either men or women when it's completely subjective at a certain point. There might be some basic characteristics that most people mainly like, but it's not universal. People generally like symmetry, but I have known people who have ranged from every walk of life that have different standards for what THEIR ideal body in a partner is from liking skinny to muscular to overweight to obese and everything in between those.


Just be happy with the body you were born to live in, it IS the only one you'll ever have, you do NOT need to be a slave to the Fashions and Cosmetics Industries, Be Yourself, Be Proud to be Yourself.


Yikes! If you are 20. Sure.


My wife has always been sexually attractive to me. We change as we age.... so what.


What a horrible amount of pressure to put on that woman.

On any woman.


ALL women are ideal. Nuff said.

Thank you.


Is always one that is still alive. I have met some that no one liked but they were fantastic people .

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