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Men say women should come with instructions.

MissKathleen 9 Feb 22

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Women are such incredibly amazing creatures, the instruction book would be so thick that it would come in volumes.

And with lots of pictures 😉

@AstralSmoke Yes indeed so it would be easier for you men to understand us better.

@Jolanta Yes, I like pictures. It's a silly concept to have instruction (owner) manuals for living people since we all are so diverse, but maybe anything would help (especially if it had pictures).


The whole trope of “women are so hard to understand” is mostly an excuse for men who make no effort to listen to or understand their partner.

Too many women have a problem getting to the point. They wander around like Moses in the dessert before getting to the point. Cut back on that extra five thousand more words a day women use and men don't. It is that simple. 🙂

@Sticks48 socialization that it’s not ok to ask for what we want

@A2Jennifer Actually it is a difference in brain function. Not right or wrong, good or bad, just different. It is one of a few differences in men and women.

@Sticks48 “it’s a difference in brain function.” But “women have a problem getting to the point.”
you’re essentially saying men are the standard of the “right way” and women are the problem.

@A2Jennifer I clearly stated no right or wrong and no good or bad, just different. Pay attention. If you want to fight you need to join Keith's new group.Over there you can have at it, no holds barred. 🙂


@Sticks48 “women have a problem getting to the point.”
Women usually have additional objectives in communication, besides “the point.” like relationship building and managing feelings.

@A2Jennifer You know that is not what I am talking about. To your point which is way off the original point, not all men have a problem talking about feelings, just as all women are not good at talking about feelings. That may say more about your choices in men more than what it says about men in general. If you are one of those women who feel we should be more like women, that will never happen. It is the same for those men who think women should be more like men. It is called BIOLOGY. There is no right or wrong. Men and women don't think alike in a lot of areas. Our brains are different, but when you get the right match of a man and woman, a real partnership, that is a wonderful thing. It does happen.

@Sticks48 ACTUALLY I did not say anything about talking about feelings. What I said is that what you term “having a problem getting to the point” might be communicating with MORE purposes besides “the point.” And it is only a “problem” when evaluating different communication styles with “male” as the standard.
Also, men and women’s brains are really not that different to begin with, and some brain differences are the result of socialization not the cause of it.
Lastly, I don’t need you to tell me what my original point was. ?

@A2Jennifer I don't need you to tell me anything. It is obvious you don't pay attention< and yes, our brains are different. Read a fucking book, and leave me the fuck alone. If you respond I will just block you, or you can block me. You are not funny or interesting so we need no longer converse. 🙂

@Sticks48 you go ahead and block me because I’m calling out your ignorance ?

@a2jennifer oh golly that stings. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

@Sticks48 yeah so does threatening to block someone who is no way abusive, but merely disagrees with you.
Btw your behavior is colloquially referred to as “mansplaining.” “Read a book”? - pop psychology is not the final word on gender. Personally, two years working with a neuroscientist and other researchers studying gender allows me to comfortably state that “men and women’s brains are not that different.”

@A2Jennifer I don't care what you have done. I have seen brain scans of men and women and how they react to certain stimuli, and the results are different for men and women. You wasted two years of your life. How sad. All you really need to do is live life and pay attention, it is that simple. I don't know if you are just weak, and the women you know are weak, but l know only a couple of women who let anyone push them around. I guess I just don't associate with those folks. I have certainly never spent time with anyone who was that weak. It is obvious you have a attitude about men so there is no real discussion to be had. 🙂

@Sticks48 the only person doing any “pushing around” here is you. Nothing I have said implies weakness and neither does the fact that i’m Not going to let you bully me anymore just because I have a different point of view than you do. You can go fuck yourself.


All women need to know about men is that they have two states of being applicable to them, Horny and Hungry, so if you see a man without an erection make him a sandwich.

No wonder that so many women cannot be bothered with you.


Women do come with instructions, lots of them, about everything, trying to stop them giving instructions is a damn near impossibility.

And think it better if you stay single to the day you die.


That's why I'm learning Spanish and Mandarin. I've found the English speaking models are pure garbage and just cheap pieces of plastic! 😉


Nope . Get an eq


Oops, guess I am not a real woman then, coz I only read instructions as a last resort.?


Men should come with a remote control so women can mute them when they say something stupid or turn them off when we're done with them ???

'a remote control so women can mute them when they say something stupid'
Do you mean, that when women say something stupid, they can mute the men, to stop them pointing it out ? 😉

presses mute button

Boy you have a narrow man experience . You should choose better. This is on you.

"silly, random, and fun " forum... Lighten up... I'm just joking lol


Only after everything else fails.?


What are instructions without pictures?

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