There's no doubt in my mind that the Three-Fifths Compromise is still alive and well in the U.S.
"A 19-year-old white man accused of kicking a coat hanger up the rectum of a mentally disabled black teammate received no jail time at his sentencing on Friday."
To bring the 3/5 Compromise into it seems you think the white kid is a history buff? Are you? Why not blame the Civil War in general? The 3/5 Compromise was just another failed attempt to appease the southern states so they wouldn't secede, after all. Or blame the ignorant yahoos who display the Confederate battle flag and claim it was all about states' rights. Come to think about it, blame the Vikings; they captured and sold slaves too, as did countless other peoples going away back to the beginning of known history. No, I think you'd be better off blaming 'human nature.' Or even life itself, for that matter.
This did happen in big sky country. I'm guessing much like the south, race relations are 40 to 50 years behind most of the rest of the country.
What that guy did was totally wrong, he should've gotten hard time for that . The other people involved in this assault should also do time.
There is another lawsuit pending, hopefully they will see some justice then.
This is really disgusting. Disgusting behavior on the part of the shit Howard, disgusting result from the legal system. Sounds like they've got a bunch of other assholes on that team, too.
The assault was not racially motivated but it involved 2 people of different races. OK. Has this guy ever kicked a coat hanger up the ass of a white man? It's a yes or no question.
so anything that happens between two people of different races is racially motivated? interesting logic there.. almost as though you think people are nothing but waling representations of their race... that seems pretty fucked up. somebody needs a trip to H.R.
@dellik For many of us to fully see your view we would have to know why such a violent man is in conflict with someone in the first place. He may just be a violent man but knowing of any other similar situations with anyone of any skin color might be a start. If he shows violence with other non-whites and none or very little with whites, this would be a good start at pointing to racism.
And white men are so abused. If the reverse had happened a black man would serve 15 years minimum.
If a black guy had done that to a mentally disabled white guy, I'd say that it would indeed have been judged to be both racial and sexual in nature, and the sentence would have probably been a lot worse than 15 years.