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The Church of Satan isn't having it... LOL ?

DGJ0114 7 Mar 30

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Ha - that is classic!


Well, Satan was much better than god in the bible. The kill ratio is astounding, with god being the sadistic, mentally deranged child by far!


The Church of Satan is a bad bitch! haha, I love their style!


Satan has the moral high ground.


The Satanists are good folks. I understand their concern here.


Religion does not convey morals. It is nothing but a means to control the populace. That is all it has EVER been.


I have known a handful of Christians who walked the the walk, and I respect those folks. The nonbelievers I know are more Christian than the vast majority of Christians.


I really do enjoy the Satanists.

I knew some in San Diego and they were some of the most must be moral and feed and clothe and house everyone people I ever met (like the way some books portray "real" christians). They always bowed their heads at a meal. The leader's wife wore long dresses. But, hey, all were welcome and the pot was great.


I'm afraid that I have to agree with all of that.


They epitomize everything that is wrong and sick in America today: unmitigated greed, selfishness, self-centeredness, extreme ego, xenophobia, and inexcusable, almost willful ignorance. Although I think Hillary is a piece of shit, too, I was shocked when Trump was elected. IMO, he is easily the worst President in U.S. history. Period.

very easily

No contest, no one even close.
Since orange ass hat rose to the top of the slime pit, various items have appeared comparing oah to past presidents, and some of them were indeed slime balls, but not even in the same league as the incredible orange creature. May he rest in excrement.


Just as their fake Geeezuz blamed Satan in his time, so too do the Christians blame Satan in our time . . . when in fact, the vast majority of evil comes from the actions of the Geeezuz sociopaths who stand by, or, even support the evil that has been issuing forth from Washington. There are probably not enough Satanists in the USA to fill a football stadium! The leaders of the American Christian churches if they are so peace-loving, why do they not stand up against the mass murder going on? So who is really the evil group? These bastards receive federal funding, on top of having a tax-free status, and since they are raking in the money as a result of government handouts, there is surly a reason why they don't go against the government . . . . because they are fucking owned by the government . . . it is quite obvious."

THHA Level 7 Mar 30, 2019

Yes, I support the request of the church of satan! ?

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