27 14

I just want to tell everyone I am so pleased to have found this site. I haven't been an active member long, but I am having a blast. It has really lifted my spirits to read and converse with like-minded people. This place is so bad I get asked by strangers standing in line what church I attend. I grew up in this town and only moved back to help my aging father. It was not like this before. The people are regressing. No evolution here. I know I am exaggerating, at least I hope so. I have met more people in the last few years say they do not believe in evolution than I did the first 20 years of my life. Thank you to all who contribute to making this a great site.

Elaine57 6 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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First - welcome. Glad you are enjoying the site. Nice to see it growing.

Second - you either lean left, or haven't engaged in the political/SJW discussions with them. I don't see much anymore, b/c all the leftists have blocked me for pointing out their flawed logic. This after they go arguing on tangents or casting personal attacks.

Third - dunno if people have changed, or society has changed. I would say the latter. All this "promote your own brand" and introduction of social media is what I think causes people to believe their opinion and beliefs matter, and should be told to all. It's well known that people are more rude and combative online vice in person. IMHO - I believe that instead of civility bleeding over into online discussion, online animosity is bleeding over into face to face discussions. Also, considering that at one point, being in someone's face insulting usually was rewarded with a bloody nose, but today's "toxic masculinity" and soy-boy pussyness, people don't see consequences for their actions. You're supposedly a bigger adult if you take abuse and walk away - which is B/S. Every major douche in history was defeated by good people fighting back - WWII, civil rights, Vietnam, Civil War, etc. Anyone that studies history, and digs though the lies, knows this.

I do lean left socially. I believe in fiscal responsibility by the government. IMO, Eisenhower was the last really responsible Republican POTUS. I also believe our political system has been perverted and both parties are to blame. Too much pork, special interests, lobbyists, etc and not enough rational thought. George Washington was right: parties cause discord. When one whole-heartedly supports a candidate because of party no matter what, then our system has failed. I tend to vote for Democrats or Independents, but I also vote Republican. Depends on the individual and their platform. I am pro-choice (stay out of my physician's office) and pro-gun. I did notice a group for Conservative Atheists. BTW, one of my friends is a die-hard Republican/conspiracy theorist. We disagree about almost everything politically. I would trust him with my life and the life of my children. There are few people in my life that meet that criterion.


I don't think that you're exaggerating. As a nation, we are regressing, and have been for quite some time. I've been saying for years that America is the stupidest nation on the planet. The fact that our current president won a general election is all the proof that anybody should need.

Like your comment, but it is a sad commentary on our country.

@Elaine57 Sad but true.



Hello Elaine, nice to see you’re enjoying the site. It’s a sad reflection that we seem not to be standing still in our evolutionary journey but actually regressing. It seems to be much worse in your country than Europe and the U.K., where I live. Ireland have actually made astonishing progress in the past five or ten years, and have gone from having some of the most conservative attitudes and laws to amongst the most progressive. The hold that Catholic Church had, is no longer ...due in no small part to the clerical abuse scandals. Anyway, you can always let off steam here when life in your local town gets too much like conversion therapy!

Thank you for taking the time to post such a long comment. I feel really welcome.

@Elaine57 ?


Wait - do you live in Wilkesboro NC? Cause I swear you just described this place.
I agree, this site is AMAZING and it is wonderful coming here visiting with so many like minded individuals.

I am in Wilmington. But if you are outside of Chapel Hill, Durham, or Charlotte all the towns seem the same basically.

@Elaine57 true. I grew up in Morehead City/Atlantic Beach - just north of you.


We are glad to have you.


Welcome to the monkey house, hon. ?


Glad you're enjoying the site.
It's pretty awesome.


This site is a good place to get understanding. The like button isn’t working so I’ll give your post one here. ?

The like button wasn't working for me earlier today, but it is okay now. Thank you and good luck getting the like working again.


You'll never find a place with more scum and villainy...No, wait, that's what Obi Wan says about that bar place in Star Wars...

Yes, its a nice enclave here, in world descending into chaos, autocracy and a new Dark Age.

They're not taking me alive.


Hi Elaine, I'm glad you're enjoying the site. I to enjoy coming here and conversing with like minded people. I found the site after my husband past away this past June. I was so sick of people offering their "thoughts and prayers", and telling me Richard was in a better place. This site is my refuge from all the bible thumpers I live amongst in Texas. Welcome aboard. I'm glad you're here.

My condolences on your loss. Texas can be worse than NC. No offense as to where you live; I just cringe at the thought of living in Texas, even Austin.

@Elaine57 Thank you Elaine, it's not been easy, but the people here have helped me more than they realize. No offense taken by your comment. Texas is a living hell some days, but there are some people here who help ease the sadness thank goodness....

Love having a fellow Richmondite here. I feel less alone that there are people close with similar thoughts.



bobwjr Level 10 Mar 30, 2019

Thanks glad to have a fellow heathen in nc.


As an outsider looking in it is a bit worrying . I hope the direction the USA is taking is only a blip and the Christian right will be sidelined. There is no doubt that the USA will be the major power in the world for decades to come and to have those people influencing poilcy is disturbing.


What do you tell them when they ask?

Good question! At first, I just said: "I just moved here and looking for the right one for me. That backfired because they wanted to explain why I should attend their church. So I finally started saying:" My spiritual beliefs are personal and private." This didn't go over well with elderly Southern women and I would choose to pick up a magazine to glance through until I checked out.

@Elaine57 I bet you if you told them you belong to the church of agnosticism, they would have no clue of what you were talking about and believe that you actually are a believer.


I'd say my prayers are with you but I guess that wouldnt be appropriate HA! Hang in there, you're doing your dad a service and you have to do what you have to do. You could start playing with the people and tell them that just once you want to see some baseball player who strikes out point up to the sky like he does after he hits a home run and see the look on their face 🙂

lerlo Level 8 Mar 31, 2019

This really seems scary. At least there are still parts of the country that are sane.

When I lived i Seattle I had a coworker friend that loved to go to estate sales. It always amazed me how much stuff so many people accumulated.


Aww that is so sweet .


Again, thanks for all the warm welcomes. I wish the site would allow me to like comments.


Your post sounded just great, science, evolution, and progress rule, welcome to the site.


Welcome to the site. Where you live sounds like a frustrating place to exist.

I do have frustrations. However, I found a Humanists and Freethinkers group. What a great group of people. My problem is finding time to enjoy what this place has to offer, as I am dealing with my father's estate and being a chauffeur for my 25-yr-old son, who had a seizure in November and is not allowed to drive for six months.


We are happy to have you here Elaine. ??



For some reason, this seems to be the only post that I cannot "Like" comments.I am pleased to get a hearty welcome.


Glad you’re enjoying the show.
Those of us living in the south or small towns have endured most of what you describe.

Thanks. Site won't let me"like."


Welcome onboard.

Thanks. Site won't let me "like."

@Elaine57 Thanks, it won't let me "like" either.


The dumbing down of our country has been incredibly successful.

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