I find it interesting that so much time is spent talking about religion on a website dedicated to not believing in a god. I understand newbies just joining that need emotional and intellitual support for coming out on the site. Its hard to overcome a life's worth of indoctrination. It can be scary or unsettling to step into this arena.
However, Im not really one to talk. I spent most of my online time arguing politics. That's another no-no around yhe dinner table. Oh well I guess we are all just human. Lol
Addendum: I see I hit a nerve with a lot of you. So sorry, it wasn't meant to be taken that seriously. I do find it ironic, but generally i just move past those that involve religion. I've been an atheist for 45 years and a member on here for over a year. I suppose i should have known better than have poked the bear.
I thought my self-deprecation in the second paragraph would have tipped it off and disarmed the first paragraph. I guess I was wrong.
From the "About Us" page:
"Agnostic.com is a non-profit and non-prophet community for people who are naturally good without any gods. Our members have a wide range of views about what the site should be about. For some, it's a place to nurture humanist or non-religious principles. For others, it's a place to recover from a religious past or to reaffirm one's atheism.
We hope to provide a safe place for people to share their thoughts and opinions, get involved in secular causes, keep up with news, and even meet others."
for me, the issue isn't trying to prove there are no gods. the issue is trying to work toward separation of church and state. on the other hand, when i see people saying "i'm an atheist because there is no good, decent god" i sometimes comment because of course that has nothing to do with whether there are any gods, just whether there are any respectable gods. i don't believe in nice gods or naughty gods lol. so sometimes people's ideas are interesting and i want to respond. however, you WILL notice we DO have other categories on this site, and they're well frequented too.
I find the discussions interesting.
I really do not find discussions of religions and myths distressing.
I find them illuminating to people trying to understand their own baffling natures.
It is just tales like Aesop's.
It is when they were given the power of the sword when the problem happened.
As much as I wanted to get my ex-girlfriend out of religion ( she's a Mormon ) for I think was for her benefit she has some issues that I think that indoctrination is only pushing her further down the rabbit hole with her mental health I really think religion is Making things worse for her but it is her decision to stay at the end of the day ; I would like to have helped; even though we have parted ways.
I see I hit a nerve with a lot of you. So sorry, it wasn't meant to be taken that seriously. I do find it ironic, but generally i just move past those that involve religion. I've been an atheist for 45 years and a member on here for over a year. I suppose i should have known better than have poked the bear.
I thought my self-deprecation in the second paragraph would have tipped it off an disarmed the first paragraph. I guess I was wrong.
We are all human...and it is discussion and listening that will bring us to understanding, and hopefully empathy for others who think and act differently than us. It is what is sorely lacking these days in our overall social discourse.
I feel the same way. Just ignore and move on.
I always do. Lol
One of my very favorite things to do is make fun of organized religion and its organizers. It’s not polite to do it anywhere else but here save for a few friends who enjoy it too.
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in god.
Just by its very name, this website isn’t dedicated to not believing in god.
I personally believe that many of the older men here are just looking for something, religious or not, as they try to cast a very wide net.
You'll find a wide variety of people on here, some like to debate, some want to start drama, and others are extermely fake because they are trying to attarct a mate. People here have a wide variety of views and objectives.