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I was flipping through channels and briefly paused on the ID channel (true crime.) I stayed long enough to hear a woman say "This is small town Mississippi where we have good polite Southern manners." The next scene was in a church, with the minister saying "Welcome sinners." I laughed. Having been raised in the South, I recognized a "good Baptist service." Why do some organized religions feel the need to put the fear of God in their parishioners? I personally have experienced more kindness in humanists than in many "Christians."

Elaine57 6 Apr 19

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Fear is a good motivater, a better one, that is self motivating when instilled, is guilt.....I believe the most damaging of the two is guilt....once a person has accepted the premise that they are corrupt and "bad" from birth.....that only animals are "innocent".........if you accept are lost.


Fear IS one the best tools used to control the populace and religions have capitalised on it since man first invented religion.


They need to scare people to hold the power.

Yeah, and our Lib-Nat Government utilize it to absolute PREFECTION don't they?

@Triphid please define "Lib-Nat"

@HankSherman He is referring to Liberal and National political parties in Australia. Which are like your Republicans in the US. Very right wing.

@Jolanta thank you very very. Went to google, nothing... appreciate the info.


Hi. I agree. Church seemed full of predators or people who threatened you if you didn't do what they said.i noticed problems with religion as a very little girl. Glad that's over.


Probably because we spend more time in the now.


White southern cordiality extends only to fellow white believers and defenders of the conservative and racist southern order. I know, as I grew up in the rural south, and saw the same all throughout the region.

I believe you and it's all as phony as "Iowa Nice" in my state. It's mean-spirited and judgemental hidden behind fake politeness and a smile, all of which disappears as soon they discover you are different than them. I have rejected it my whole adult life as an Iowan. It is also a companion of the Midwest-wide norm of enforced politeness, in which you are a terrible person should you ever be really honest, confrontational, or assertive in a social setting.


Guilt and fear are how they scam the flock and keep them coming back!


Fear is the foundation of christandom...


Because they are intimidating idiots who want to put you on the defensive

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 19, 2019
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