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I became a "sole family survivor" at the young age of 45. This is defined as having zero parents, zero siblings, and not being orphaned as a child.

Is there anyone else here that can relate? I have asked the question elsewhere before with very little luck.

Ginaphil 5 Mar 7

Enjoy being online again!

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It took a good seven years to get past the being alone feeling. It would of helped greatly if folks, family or otherwise, would of made an attempt at inclusion. But, they did not; mostly because they could not relate. They had little clue.

The last six years have been much better as my lone family survivor seems to be much more "normal".


We each have chapters in our lives. In our childhood and youth, the relationship with our parents played a large part in definijg us. Thqat is a chapter you will always remember, but today we define oursleves by our ccurrent rleationships and endeavors. That is who you are today.


Close. My grandmother was my mother figure and my mother more like an aunt. Grandma died when I was 26, my brother when I was 30, and father at 31.

I do have a half sibling that I didnt meet until I was nearly an adult and have seen half a dozen times in my lifetime.


Not quite as bad as your situation. Both my parents were gone by the time I was 33 (dad died when I was 15). I have a sister though and we've gotten closer over the years since mom died. Other than that, I have a couple of uncles (one of whom is a widower) and 4 cousins, only one of which I ever get to see much.
But, even though I do have a small family left, most of the ones I get to see often are pretty hardcore Christians with some racist tendencies so I can't say I feel particularly close to them or want to see them all that often anymore.


The significant points people need to ask to avoid too much grief are:

  1. Have you told them that you love them even if you are already estranged or disowned? And

  2. Have you given them permission to die before you and they you. so that there can be no survivor guilt?


I'm with you. I never expected other than my parents death. My sister's took something like 5 or 6 years. I just didn't communicate for the last two.

Their "deaths" all occurred 40+ years ago when I left them at London airport. Any remeeting or correspondence after that was merely additional icing on the cake.

The only one whose death affected me was my brother who I always hoped that one day we would have had a normal adult brotherly relationship. He escaped without fulfilling that desire. All the rest our mutual transactions had been fulfilled.

No point in crying over spilt milk.


I'm almost there. All I have left is my mom. Dad died in 2014 and my only sibling died last September. I imagine when mom goes I'll have a profound sense of loneliness becsuse the people who've known me the longest will be gone.


Parents gone 2003/2010, brother gone 2015. No one left. It is very odd but I have a wonderful "extended family" who are friends that "adopted" me. I am philosophical about it most of the time. Sometimes, though, it's the sounds of silence.


No, I was disowned by family, but some are still alive, I have some contact with my sister and 1 brother, so not alone just distanced.


Yes. Disowned prior to that. No siblings. I was 41 at the time.


I can't relate, but it does seem like a lonely place.

I have so many family that I don't even know most of them.


No cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. either? My parents passed away in 2008, but I'm 65.


Both my parents were gone by the time I was 37. But I still have 3 sibs.. It must be very hard to be the last?

@ScienceBiker A rolling stone gathering no moss?

@ScienceBiker that explains how I am with my mother. When people find out it they are like awww and how sad but I can't miss what I never had. I like your analogy. Gonna steal it

@ScienceBiker Yes I was thinking "These are the people who know you best" and that's not always true.

I have a good friend who is an only child with no S.O. and no children and she really is mourning her parents years later.
She however has some cousins who she still sees and likes.

Family is whoever you make family. I have a good friend who would invite me to every "family occasion". Which is good as my family sometimes fails epically.

Also "Firefly"! 😉


I am tenty years older, and I can't imagine being the last of my kin.

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