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What's the etiquette on clicking the "follow posts" button? It seems to be a good, quick way to highlight profiles of people you might be interested in getting to know better, but I don't know if it's one of those things that's generally acceptable only after interacting with that person on posts/in conversation. I'm brand new to this site, so still navigating the customs and I want to be respectful and not come off as a creep, haha.

Ora_11_11 5 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I never really thought about the etiquette of it other than oh look more friends

That's what I figured, but I didn't know if I clicked it whether or not the person would be like "who are you? I don't know you!" Haha, kinda like following someone in real life.


Follow away. This is a very warm and welcoming community of folks who are mostly just happy to have a forum free of religious nutballs. Following someone just causes the site to send you an alert when they post something. It's also a good way to see who may potentially be interested in you. Welcome!


No rules or guidelines to follow. Think I have 40people following me. No one asked permission-lol


Oh man, thank you all very much! What a supportive bunch of people!


We're Radicals! No Rules!
Seriously, everyone probably has their own "system." I started friending everyone who was geographically close. And then people who asked interesting questions or who commented on my things.

And now I'm up to almost 200, so I've slowed way down.


I would think it is in good manners to ask if following is good with them.


There are some members who post often and have interesting subjects that they post. Those are the ones that I follow, to read what interesting topics that they bring up.


I was surprised that people started following my posts. No one asked first. Half the time I forget all about it. The other half, I'm not even thinking about it.


I follow 2 people on here. Many follow me. 56 people, to be exact.

OK , now it's 57, I like your posts

@buzz13 Mine aren't interesting.

@Tecolote Lol.


I just follow folks whose posts and comments I find interesting.

That's the approach I'm taking. Kinda going willy-nilly with it too: "Ooh! You're cool! Ooh! I like that! Follow, follow, follow..." Haha.


Just go for it and welcome


I follow everyone that joins my group.Not sure there is a specified etiquette. If they don't like it they can say something and if they really don't like it they can block you


welcome to the site


I don't think the system is that much different from FaceBook. So, if it's not creepy there, why would here be any different?


I kind of feel that way myself.


Nothing creepy about it.


It's nice of you to be concerned, but unlike Twitter, following here means you will see things that you might be interested in. Go ahead. You'll be welcomed.


I followed everyone that lives within 20 miles of me.


I imagine it depends on who you're following. Personally, I think it's very flattering.

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