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Just saw this on a friend’s FB page. What do you think of Martin Sheen’s analysis? []

ToolGuy 9 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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if there was no corruption in politics where would the candidates come from?


Here's the non-facebook version for those of us who've weaned ourselves of FB.


I agree, but I don't see it ever happening as both major parties love the big money donations and the presidents they nominate keep appointing people to the Supreme Court that are supportive of big money in politics, so it will never end. Because ending it would require a constitutional amendment, which would never get the needed bipartisan support, or else the Supreme Court overturning Buckley v. Valeo ( a precedent from the early 1970s) as well as the Citizens's United precedent. Never going to happen.


I believe he is spot on.

I agree!

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