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So, now the religious zealots are claiming that you don't have to believe in God to know right from wrong, in defense of the abortion bans. Interesting concept, when ordinarily, this is counter to their assertion that only Christianity teaches morals. It got me thinking... Is the "prolife" ideology necessarily born from a religious viewpoint? I suspect that mainly, it is, and here's why; Religious indoctrination typically includes provisions that encourage, or require it's adherents to multiply and indoctrinate their children, thus ensuring it's perpetuation. This, in spite of rampant over population growth, increases and exacerbates chronic problems which are destroying the planet, and leading toward societal collapse. Of course, believers also deny this as well.

friendlycatlady 5 May 20

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Would most people have an aversion to abortion? Yes. Is abortion used as birth control? No. People that are close to batshit crazy on this issue listen to all the lies and opt for every baby to be born regardless of individual facts. As usual, they make up the facts. Are there any efforts at all to take care of these babies that people want so desperately to be born? None at all. Not even a suggestion.

So much for knowing right from wrong. So much for Family Values and the GOP.

Actually, my mom used to be a Social worker and she insists that some young, irresponsible women DO use abortion as birth control. I know from my own experience that my male partners would never take any responsibility for it, so, I played roulette, sometimes, knowing that if the worst thing in the world happened (pregnancy) there was always a way out. Though, since abortions are about $500.00, they certainly are not cost effective as a form of birth control.

@friendlycatlady Yes, abortions are not cost effective as birth control but you can't tell this to a Republican.


I suggest you are not referencing religion as a whole but proselytising ideologies such as Christianity and Islam.



Found this to be an interesting read of what happened in Romania in 1966. Looks like the Evangelical right is trying to make America look just like it.


Religions, Christianity in particular, seem to make it a point to ceaselessly stick their noses, etc, into the Female Reproductive Systems of Human Beings, a place where, in my honest opinion, they have right nor reason to put them in the first place.
A womans body IS her OWN property and She alone should have the ONLY right to say what happens to it and when, where and how it happens.

Must be their way of perpetuating patriarchy.

@friendlycatlady that is its only purpose. Society is very sexually antagonistic, particularly for Christians. Men are allowed to enjoy sex and be sexually promiscuous. Christian women are violently controlled. Banning abortion and criminalizing it is a way to put all the responsibility of human reproduction on the back of women only. Realistically with the abortion bans only women are going to physically suffer and only women are going to die.


I wish I could find a quote I came across recently on FB. It was along the lines of "It's easy to support the unborn. It's easy to talk about the sanctity of life because it's potential and not real and asks nothing of you while it's an abstract concept." But when it comes to the health of real mothers, the health of born children, the economic reality and cost of a new member of the family.....emotional and financial...all we get are crickets from the far right. Reproductive health care could be a primary focus for these people and politicians...but it isn't. They don't really want women to get free healthcare, free childcare, free quality education for their children, low cost housing and access to nutritious food...that would be socialism. And of course they don't want to face the reality of overpopulation and limited resources either...willfully blind to the reality of climate change and human impact.

Yes! I saw the same quote (I think) it is:

@LizBeth Thank you..that is exactly the one I could not possibly paraphrase and do justice saved me....ha ha...

@mojo5501 I think the quote perfectly illustrates how the pro-life approach is the 'lazy man' way to lessening the number of abortions (kind of like 'thoughts and prayers'😉. It would be much harder/expensive to do the real work to curb abortion rates (comprehesive science based sex education, make birth control available and affordable for all, make health care available to all, support all pregnant women no matter their circustances).

While I'm sure there are nonreligious people who feel that abortion is unethical, I think they are unlikely to attempt to force their beliefs on others. Religious people, on the other hand seem to feel, not only that abortion is wrong, but also that all human life is sacred, therefore, they must go to any means to protect it. Only human life is worth protecting, according to them. They seem to resent people who advocate saving other species. They always complain, " but, but, what about slaughtering innocent babies!?"

True, because for most of these religious zealots the sanctity of life ends at Birth

@LizBeth The crazy thing is, abortion rates are at an all time low right now. Which makes these barbaric laws the Republicans are passing even more a partisan thing than an actual caring for life of any kind. Perhaps more funding for sex education, further support of no cost birth control and equal rights for women would lower it even further. But that is not what they are interested in, this is just a smokescreen to turn the clock back 50 years. It's what conservatives do!


The wonderful thing about religion is it’s total lack of standards. The Bible, having been a compilation of centuries of legends, tales and mysticism, lends itself to untold interpretations. Basically, you can read into whatever you like and any con artist can find gullible people they can convince that their interpretation is the true one. It allows every tribe, from the Amish to the snake handlers and everything in between to think they are the chosen and the only ones with the moral high ground. Are there non believers who don’t favor abortion? Of course! But the issue isn’t what you believe, it is the right of women to decide their body and how it is used. Anything else just relegates them to incubators. Life begins at birth. But the religious argument the every fertilized egg is sacred was the same argument used for years to forbid male masturbation: every sperm is sacred and possibly life producing. Except for some branches, most Christians have abandoned that ideology, but certainly not all of them. The best explanation was done by Monty Python in the Meaning of Life.


for a christian zealot to talk about prolife is hypocritical to say the least when their beloved bible basically instructs them to kill children and unborn babies, like in Hosea 13:16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open."


I have to admit that i bought into this dogma for 30 years. I believe that the only way you could really be moral was to be a christian. Throughout this time, I saw many christians do shady stuff like steal, adultery, lie and con people. Then i looked at some of the non-christians i knew. Some of them were the most honest people i knew and they were more trustworthy than alot of christians i knew. Now there are some christians that are very trustworthy too but there are also non-christians.

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