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Just a thought about human's brain .. indulge me please...
its amazing how one can function like a gigantic computer..if you multiplied this by 7 billion .. can you believe what we can accomplish .. if we have all humans brains to funtion collectively to tackle any problem faces humanity ... what other amazing things can be done... try to avoid the temptation of looking at the negative side of this thought... dare to contemplate on the bright side of the thought..
.... I'd like to hear your input

Neenz 7 May 24

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I love the concept of if we knew how to use more of our brain power we can accomplish so much more. Maybe even eliminate petty Wars and Crimes


There are a number of scientific problems that have actually been solved by crowd sourcing. Scientists presents the problem to a large group with any rules associated with it and allow anyone to provide suggest potential solutions. This has lead to discoveries in protein folding, discovering extra solar objects, and finding mutations within the human genome. These are all notoriously complex problems.

It doesn't matter how smart any one person is, because they might stumble into a solution where more intelligent people failed.

The power of stupidity?

I mean, sure, they might stumble into a solution, but they're more likely to vote to spend the budget on a big-screen TV and watch "Real Housewives" or some damn thing.

@Neenz I'm a natural contrarian.

@Neenz And comedian.

@Neenz You don't want that... it might take over the Matrix.


Quite frankly considering some of the people I've encountered in my life I'd be terrified to be mind linked with them in any fashion.

Some people are downright scarey.

1of5 Level 8 May 24, 2019

I doubt we will ever be able to network all human brains to work as one.


good in theory, but in practice ?. remember the old saying " a camel is a horse designed by a committee "


Yeah, but just try to find a functioning human brain these days.


But, look at all the defective minds that would corrupt the sytem ! Yikes

@Neenz your points are getting really close !!!! 🙂
Get out the champagne..

@Neenz 9899... i just looked. Lol

@Neenz 9955. You go girl ! 🙂


I think there was a star trek theme about cyborgs or something like that.. 🙂

Resistance is futile

@Paul4747 We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.


It’s a brilliant question because you have challenged me to think beyond my knee jerk reaction of “it ain’t gonna work”

A network of positive, altruistic human minds would be incredible. I can’t even imagine what would be possible.


An analog is a flock of starlings flying en masse in the evening to find a place to roost. Their formation dances in the sky.


From a systems thinking philosophy the interaction between all minds linked in a network is of more importance than the number of minds. True synthesis is seldom self organized and/or sustainable but nature always seems to find a way. Its nice to think the collective “we” also have a chance. Keep typing my fellow chimps


Woo hoo. Congratulations !!!!!


A nice idea BUT wouldn't that simply make humans a version of the Star Trek Borg species, i.e, it would probably take away our individuality to some extent, possibly a great extent.
And our Individuality IS one of major, if not, the most important attributes that we have because without it we are nothing but robots, are we not?
Yes, collective thinking would be an asset at times but, in my opinion, actually teaching people to use and utilise more than the mere 10% of their OWN brain capabilities would be far more beneficial.

Tangential to the point but it’s a myth that we only use 10% of our brains. I don’t remember exactly how that got started but it was either the fact that we only knew what 10% of the brain did early in last century, or the fact that you can only focus on actively using a small portion of it while the other majority of it is being used for data storage, and automatic bodily functions and sensation. I assure you we use all of it though. Some of us aren’t using it very well, but it’s still all operating to some extent.

@Wurlitzer Medically and Scientifically speaking here, we ONLY use 10% of our actual brain capacity and storage capabilities on the conscious level.
The human brain operates on numerous levels, one of them being the Autonomic Level or Autonomic Nervous System, such breathing, your heart operating, etc, etc, then there are the Conscious brain activities such as being awake and aware, reading, decision making, loading up information, etc, etc, then comes the Subconscious Level that activates mainly when we are sleeping, it sorts through, categorizes, correlates, etc, the information/data from the Conscious brain level and usually stores it for later reference, etc.
Then are such levels/areas as the Limbic System, etc, etc, the Sensory Regions/Levels and numerous others as well. most of these 'systems' operate automatically and often quite independently of each other without us ever knowing that they are doing so.


Computer to brain interface is just the first step (that they are actively working on).

Directly linking human brains together is being actively studied...


Tapping directly into someone’s brain in order to share thoughts isn’t just for Spock anymore. An international team of researchers were able to replicate the Vulcan Mind Meld by creating a device that allows two people to share information through thought. The researchers tested the technology by separating the users over 8,000 km (5,000 mi) apart—with one user in France and the other in India. The paper has been published in PLOS ONE.

camne Level 7 May 24, 2019

The final step is to manufacture brains in bio-labs, then link them, and finally dispense with inefficient individual brains is unstable bodies.

@Petter check the date on this one... What have they done since, behind closed doors?

Brain cells in a dish fly fighter plane
DAILY-NEWS 25 October 2004
By Celeste Biever

An array of rat brain cells has successfully flown a virtual F-22 fighter jet. The cells could one day become a more sophisticated replacement for the computers that control uncrewed aerial vehicles or, in the nearer future, form a test-bed for drugs against brain diseases such as epilepsy.


@camne Very interesting article. I wonder how far the research has come in the subsequent 15 years!


The human brain is the best example of evolution I know of, as we move through the structure of the brain we see how more primitive structures repurposed in order to make the brain more functional at the same time keeping the old functions in place in order to keep the creature viable there are many documentaries on the structure of the brain.
I consider this an important demonstration of evolution


Think tanks....


So what we would have from one point of view, would be another internet, except human minds instead of individual computers.

That could go really really good, or it could go really really bad but either way, I bet it would mostly be used for sex.

Wait a minute. Isn't your premise exactly what we're doing right now? Electronic internet is enabling the human internet to begin.


Good statement ... gives me food for thought.

SKH78 Level 8 May 24, 2019

I like the idea of the Hegelian dialectic. You know how it goes- I say something, you say the opposite, the truth is somewhere in the mix. I don't know if Hegel factored stupid opinions into the mix. Maybe he did and he thought there weren't enough stupid opinions to wreck the theory. He might have been more optimistic than me because he probably entertained smarter company than most of us do.


For sure my brain has a virus from all those free porn sites. You might want to leave me out of your network.


Yes but who gets to be the one who is "right/the leader"

That's easy. It's me.

@Neenz I think most people don't have enough of self confidence to be able to function without leaders, that is why so many are going to church.

No single cell is in charge of your brain, your brain has no leader. likewise a collective consciousness would not be many independent people, it would be for all intents and purposes, a single entity.


In a way, that's what the network provides for all of us. The hability to share ideas, thoughts, knowledge. Our brains are now linked through technology.


It tis a thought that we would like to see work but in reality with todays attitudes,,good go opposite way also


Would you like to be treated as an ant. Ant colonies behave in a networked fashion, remember.

Bees too, and trees !

@Neenz Sheep are not networked. Ants are - in a pheromone based net.

@Neenz I choose to be the ram.

@Neenz As I understand it, they're the leaders.

I hope ants never get red-pilled.

As do the cells in your body. As do the proteins in your cells. As do the amino acids in your proteins. As do the atoms and molecules in your amino acids.

You are a holon. Made up of other holons. All of life is a network.

In fact networking is one of the key features of life. All life flows through all other life. This happens physically as well as mentally as well as spiritually. if you have a problem with the word spiritually in that last sentence substitute the word emotionally instead if it suits you.

@Neenz yuperoooni

@Neenz ,
are you on amphetamines? i don't quibble with grammar but most of your replies seem to be typed with reckless abandon & require the reader to almost look for a code.


the problem is that out of 7 bil at least 1/2 are below normal intelligence. and then there is a significant % of outright mentally challenged & deranged ppl.
so you would end up with the status quo. the most intelligent rule the planet. a pity that many of them are socio/psychopaths.

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