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When Were The First U.S. Troops Killed In Korea?

SURPRIZE!!! The answer is 1871 and involved three lives lost over a diplomatic dispute that was not resolved until 1878

alon 6 May 27

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Not surprised.
Don't understand why people don't realize that humans kill each other.

and a great deal of the killing is done in the name of a god.


Reminds me of a Recent US History class I had in college c. 1971.

The prof asked when were the first US combat troops in Viet Nam?

I held my tongue while everyone else's guesses ranged from 1959 to 1964.

When the prof said 1963, I simply said, "Wrong."

To his credit he responded by saying, "If you can prove that is wrong, you get an A in the class."

I excused myself and walked out of the class and next door to the library. Once in the library I went directly to microfilm of the NY Times from April, 1954, found the article I wanted and made a copy.

After putting the microfilm away I returned to the classroom and laid the article on the prof's desk while he was writing something on the board.

When he turned around and saw me seated at my desk, he looked at his desk and saw the copy of the article.

I asked, "Is the NY Times sufficient proof?"

When he answered, "Yes," I replied, "Per the NY Times article you have a copy of, there were combat troops from the USS Belleau Woods at Dien Bien Phu in April, 1954."

After he glanced at the article he looked up and told me I had just earned my A. dad's first tour was actually in 1953...he worked along side the French...


Next question, "When was our second conflict with Islamic forces?"

BillF Level 7 May 27, 2019

1st? First Barbary War, 1801-05
2nd? Second Barbary War, 1815
3rd? Moro Conflict within the American-Philippine War, 1901-13

Since you specifically asked for the second, I thought you might be grouping the Barbary Wars together

I am taking "Islamic" in your question to mean "Muslim." If you meant "Islamist," the answer would be different.

@vertrauen I do, they never really ended, more like the Korean war, just stopped! Great response!

Muslin is a follower or slave of Islam.
Islam is the religion of Muslim’s.
Islamic is the support of Islam!

So why would the answer be different wether they are Muslim or Islamic forces they are all under the banner of Islam!

Islam is a murderous anti feminist Pedophilic enslaving cult known as a religion!

In small numbers they are humble, as they grow in numbers they become by they own design a discriminatory minority, they will demand rights that no other group has ever been given, they then demand special treatment in schools, special food, special work rules and considerations, they call Sharia law(s), then they need special Islamic police to patrol their neighborhoods against outside influences such as dogs, alcoholic drinks, women without head and body coverings, pork products, and other religious groups!

When they become the majority they out law all other religious groups which are not Islamic!

There are 52 Sharia governed nations on this planet!

@of-the-mountain You are overlooking the end of two different words in my post: "Islamic" vs. "Islamist."

The question @BillF posed was a historical one. Islam and its followers, the Muslims, have existed for about 1400 years. The extreme political ideology Islamism is much younger, however, at somewhere between 100 and 130 years old depending upon how exactly you define it. At the time of the Barbary Wars (1801-15), Islamism didn't exist yet, and in the earliest 20th century Islamism existed but hadn't yet reached the Filipino Muslims (a.k.a. the Moros) at the time of the American-Philippine War of 1901-1913.

So I was making sure that @BillF was in fact using the phrase "Islamic forces" as a synonym for. "Muslim forces," not - as sometimes incorrectly happens - as a synonym for "Islamist forces." Americans have only fought Islamists in the last 40 years or so (tops), mostly in the last 20. So, yes, the answer to @BillF's historical question would 100% have been different if he had actually meant the latter (but as it turns out he didn't). I only asked for the sake of clarity in answering his question correctly, not so I could be subjected to your angry tirade.

If you are an atheist or an agnostic as your presence here on this site suggests, then you have probably heard Christians incorrectly blame atheism for all the crimes of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the guillotine's rampage during the Terror phase of the French Revolution.* Your expressed rage and suspicion against all Muslims is directly analogous to the furious conviction of many zealous Christians that atheists are sneaky and bloodthirsty agents of Satan intent on destroying Christian civilization, "godless communists," "godless schools," etc.

But the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving, as are the vast majority of Christians, as are the vast majority of atheists. If you have had the acumen to find your way to atheism in a society dominated by Christians - not an easy task at all, so sincere kudos to you! -, then there is good reason to hope that one day - despite your current anger - you will ultimately come to understand that millions of Muslims oppose terrorism and dictatorship just as much as you do. I hope that day may come soon.



  • Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were in fact atheists, but obviously that isn't what made them murderous. Hitler wasn't an atheist anyway (or a Christian for that matter. His mother tried to raise him Catholic, but it didn't stick.) Most of the perpetrators of the Terror during the 1790s weren't atheists but deists.

@of-the-mountain I am always put off when anyone uses the word "they" when describing people. I live in a multi-cultural area of south Liverpool. This includes many Muslims. Some are from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan but also from Somalia and other areas of Africa. The place had and still has a reputation for crime but has been "cleaned up" to a large degree by Muslims who simply want a decent place to raise their families.
Let us look at some of the generalizations that can easily be heaped upon Americans if we use "they"
They, are insular, ignorant, racist, arrogant, religiously bigoted, corrupt and think that they have an overwhelming moral right to invade or meddle in any country they see fit

@273kelvin Spot on my friend.

Oh yes so peace loving!

Just look at Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, and the other 46 Sharia driven peaceful countries as you call them!
All are are peace loving that kill dogs, murder Gay
Individuals, brutalize the female populations of those countries with overt anti feminist laws and actions.
Sunnis versus Shia living so peacefully together that they hate and kill each other just for fun!
Islamic or Islamists have been at war for over 1400 years now! The Islamist invasion of Roman occupied lands in Middle East, North Africa, Spain, then there is the Ottoman Empire who tried to invade Southern Europeans and was finally disbanded via WWI!
Islam now has over 14 million slaves granted under Sharia law!
I do not hate Islam, it is simply a Death cult, an anti feminist cult, and a cult ruled over by a very few men who expect absolute loyalty! If you decide to leave the cult of Islam you have a death sentence on your head!

By believing that Islam is some peaceful religion you might want to convert to justify your love for this cult!

If you as an a agnostic where to live in one of the 62 Sharia governed nations, you would be subject to arrest and imprisonment without any legal rights and a death sentence as blasphemy!

Oh yes! A cult of Peace!

I personally do not want to live in fear for my life for not being a loyal overtly controlled Islamic muslin individual!

@of-the-mountain I think the chances of that happening in Texas is slim to none...your chances of being killed by a fellow American or your car is greater...

The Islamist are trying to colonize Texas and the rest of the USA, just like Europe, except here too many do not like those who will not assimilate in any form!

Yes, just like a million or two Islamic terror/war refugees will never Change the cultures of Europe!

If you have never live or worked in an Sharia governed country, how would you know the factual truth?

Go lecture those who are lame enough to believe the Islamic peace Bull Shit!

@of-the-mountain Actually, I have lived in Turkey and Ethiopia...and in our area, we helped assimilate a very large number of Syrian neighborhood has many Muslim families..when I go visit my sister in Michigan, we go to and entire town grown up around Somalia yeah...

And your direct experience is what?

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen!
Back before all the hijackings and after Pakistan became list it’s West Pakistan title!

Yes, real peaceful!
When they publicly stone women, chop off hands, throw and hang people for being Gay! Imprisonments and death sentence for saying anything against their pedophile prophet and his Koran! Train small children to Kill small animals like dogs and cats! All this and more under Sharia law! The right to lie and kill any one that is an infidel, which is everyone that is not Islamic!

So far those in the USA have freedoms that they would not have were they came from! Yet, as a small minority they ask and expect preferential treatment that no other ethnic or religious groups are granted in this country!

One should ask why they left their peaceful Islamic Sharia governed home countries of their birth?

By the way there are little Vietnam settlements all over the USA! Those Vietnamese have never asked for any special preferential religious or civil exemption for their communities!

There are various Jewish neighborhoods around the USA they do not get special holidays or preferential religious.

One ask one’s self why Islam thinks it is above the law, other cultures, religious, and ethnic groups who do not demand special treatment or preferential treatment over others of this nation!

Of course you will counter as pro Islamic patsy!

Be safe while you can for you are just another Islamic troll?

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