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A Victim of the #MeeToo Fear

Keanu Reeves is posing with multiple women, including Dolly Parton, with his arm behind the women and his hand hovering over either their arms or waists has gone viral.

He avoids touching women in every photo. He is just too careful.

St-Sinner 9 June 12

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I remember when I was very young, and would be dating a lot, one time after 10 dates the young lady ask me do you find me desirable. and i said yes, and sexy, she then said are you gay, i said no, she then said then why havent you kissed me or even hold my hand. I said i respect your space, and with that she jumped my bones. your damned if you do your damned if you dont.

I don't understand why you are complaining. 🙂


I thought this was very clever at first but now I'm not so sure.
While not a fan of his films he's from my last recollection, a cool person.
Every culture has its body language.

Typing outloud, women are more likely to be groped, stuff is just "sticking out". That's a fact.
It's not like no one would notice a photo with someone taking a handful of guy crotch. Ok, a butt squeeze could be concealed from most angles.

There is something about this that is not quite right but have yet to see it put into words.

Qualia Level 8 June 16, 2019

Pretty soon men will be left to blow up dolls and you women will be left to your vibrators, this political crap is too much, lets go back to the old school, and see what


METOO poster boy. I'm all in.

JacarC Level 8 June 13, 2019

A “victim”? Really? Because he’s choosing to respect women’s physical space. How terrible it must be for him to not touch women he doesn’t know 🙄

Respect their space?! Either of those chicks could give their left ovary for him to touch them, and you know it.

LOL, both all sexy and up on him oh, yeah they don't want him to touch them, they want their space

And no, I don't think he's a victim either. Maybe he's just got more important things to touch then every groupie or whoever that comes up and wants a picture with him, I don't know. Maybe he is afraid of lawsuits I have no idea. But one thing I do know is that both of those girls wanted him to touch them.

@SeaMeNebraska I don't need to read minds. All I have to do is look at the picture.


Too careful?? 😂 Like that's a bad thing, lol.
They got to meet and get a photo with him. And you criticize him? Not all of us enjoy touching strangers, or want strangers touching us. Maybe you are too creepy.

Kaneau Reeves is doing the right thing. You may think that all men are out to touch you but some of us have other things to do.

@St-Sinner Awesome 👍. I'm very relieved "some of us" have other things to do?
But. Never has it crossed my mind how "all men are out to touch" me. Not even remotely close to my point. I just explained how it's possible some dislike touching strangers. Maybe, just maybe. He isn't being "too careful" but simply, I'm throwing out there how it's a possibility, a lack of touching others is due to NOT enjoying it. Sooo I will go ahead and assume we completely agree with each other


"He is just too careful" ?. I admire Keanu Reeves. Despite his wealth and celebrity status he seems to be a very down to earth considerate guy. The the other end of the spectrum from "pussy grabbing" Trump.
Why are the women dressed showing so much bare flesh ?.It would be difficult to hold them without touching bare flesh which the may object to.


It's a sad truth that if you have wealth, people will stoop to any lie if they think they can get a slice. Seeing Keanu behave so defensively is sad. Shame on the women who have claimed unwanted touching, whether to profit, to advance their cause, or to simply harm the accused. But shame on the abusers too (like Trump).

As it relates to unwanted sexual contact, what is unwanted is defined by the complainer. But this can be a false claim, and there's no way to know. Males and females have a profound tension because of all the differences, and it's plain that anger is a major component of the Incel and #metoo movements. This anger can also be seen among a few comments.

The thing about unwanted touching is, no woman who actually wanted to be touched turns around and then claims the opposite out of spite or for profit. It’s too big a hassle to take a high profile person to court and it usually gains the woman nothing but vitriol and hatred, death threats etc from his fans. The only time I could see that kind of mood swing is if you actually dated a while and even then, pretty impossible to get convicted for previously touching a girlfriend and if she’s that psycho the guy made her that way 99% of the time. People don’t just go around asking celebrities for hugs to sue them.


He’s not a victim

I don't think anyone said he is. I totally disagree with the full coverage of women in some cultures and religions but is the dress of the two women appropriate for the occasion. It would be difficult for him not to touch bare flesh which they may not like ?.

The title of the post is: A Victim of the Mee2 Fear

@Sydland OK, sorry I missed that. I agree with you. He aint no victim


He’s so fantastic.


nothing wrong to be very aware and play it safe, especially when there is too much to lose


No, works for me. How often do you see men putting their arms around other men in the same way as this picture? Why can't they just all stand side by side. Hands in pockets maybe.....Just because the other two are women, IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO TOUCH/HUG/PAT THEM! These are the subtle offenses that have been the 'norm' for way, way too long.

@Shawappa44820 Yes that is what I am saying. How often do you see men putting their hands around other mens hips? Men do touch other men (shaking hands, hand on shoulder etc) but in a pose such as this one, (with women and if there is touching involved) you usually find the mens hands placed on the womens waist, hips and or worse. I hope this makes sense. Like I said this one of those subtle nuances that people either get or make fun of. Why does he have to touch them at all? Just stand (as they would with 3 men) side by side. Why is anything else required?

@Shawappa44820 I get the whole short thing lol. In my next life I am coming back as a 6' male! I agree with you that there is no ill intent meant by most. But these norms have never been allowed to be questioned without being branded as a hysterical woman, bitch or as just a woman who has no sense of humor. Just to remind you that I am in my 60's and these norms and much worse, have been in place my whole life, so I think as opposed to someone younger I tend to see them differently. IMO anyway. I never got the impression that you were arguing by the way and I also have to say that I do appreciate you asking.


there are a few sides to this, being in his shoes i wouldn't want to be touching so many strangers, at the very least i can see if being beneficial for health, before respect.

it would be nice to see us separate sex from touching, in non sexual areas. but there is more to it than that, like it being a controlling action. it can be torn apart in so many ways.


There is no "ME TOO FEAR" are being HIGHLY disrespectful. I'm assuming you're a guy, gee how did I know? Ever been grabbed by the dick? Ever get paid less for having a penis? Ever been humiliated on the street because you are wearing short shorts in hot, humid weather? Ever been advised to "smile, you'll be prettier"? You have no fucking idea.

@josh_is_exciting and i guess you will continue missing out if you don't change your POV

@josh_is_exciting read your first sentence repeatedly until it sinks in. You don’t have the right to put your hands on a woman without her express consent. You don’t get to decide she can be touched. Only she can has that right.

@josh_is_exciting Yep, it's obvious that you don't get it, listen to FreethoughtKaty.

@josh_is_exciting and you are not? figures.

@josh_is_exciting denial too, brilliant!

@josh_is_exciting right, like "huh" is a great articulated response, so if I am just saying soundbites, why do you keep answering with increasing annoyance, touchy touchy???

@josh_is_exciting there are a whole lot of “customary” behaviors that take advantage of or outright abuse women (and children). Imagine casually touching men the way you want to casually touch women. I’m not saying I’d be upset or even bothered if a man put his arm around me for a picture. The point is, whether or not that scenario happens is my own decision, not his. A man has no inherent right to touch a woman.

@josh_is_exciting lmao yeah woman have it so great, especially in the business world. It sucks bein a dude. Poor us.😂

@josh_is_exciting "I miss out on a lot of dating opportunities because I'm overly careful about offending." Yeah, I'm pretty sure you miss out on those opportunities because you are a giant DICK.

@josh_is_exciting is it really unreasonable that men not touch women without knowing whether they want to be touched?


Main number one rule in life, never go where you were not invited!


He's thinking it's so easy to wind up on a #metoo list so better just play it safe and make no contact at all. Women are hot lava. Don't touch the hot lava or you'll get burned.

That’s an infantile interpretation when he’s probably just thinking, “it’s more respectful not to presume I’ve got an invitation to put my hands on women”

Good god I hope you are being facetious

@A2Jennifer Only partially because there is some truth to it. Why do you think Keanu is being so hands off? He knows either of those ladies could say "I felt violated by his unwelcome touch." at any time and he'd be in for a shitstorm so he's showing everyone where his hands are so he can't get burned.


Looks respectful to me.

MsAl Level 8 June 12, 2019

Is he too careful or just being very respectful. I think he is a welcome change from the likes of the sleezeball in chief Der Donald and other of his ilk.


I like Keanu and he seems like a chill millionaire and no stick up his ass and ego the size of Jupiter. Being smart there.

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