9 17

So true for me!

Jnei 8 June 16

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I would try and keep them level - I like balance in my life


I think the Swear jar would be half full and the Science jar near full..!


...I start with chit chat- but usually ground
my statements in the science.

BBJong Level 7 June 16, 2019

Both would overflow. It kinda works. Describing Chernobyl as 'one motherfucker of a supercriticality event' caused both mirth and increased understanding to the builders in my loft.


The swear jar would be full. The other jar would be almost empty, as I usually don't hang out with the really stupid.


Do I have to put money in both jars if I swear while telling people that the moon is not part of Mars?

Good Question lol


And giving people a rational explanation when they want to believe nonsense.

...seems an uphill battle
(A battle with GRAVITY)


lol me too

gater Level 7 June 16, 2019

I work in customer service for the billing department of a hospital. I've been told several times I need to dumb down my vocabulary. If that second jar said using big words, or telling the truth about how the hospital bills you.... Well, in the first instance the jar would be full. The second instance I'd be fired.

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