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Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming? I am seeing some very alarming articles recently predicting 80% annillation of the population in 31 years and irreversible path to this if not corrected in 5 years. Other articles about melting ice caps 70 years faster than originally thought and greenland losing billions of gallons of ice in a day. Efforts by scientist to block the sun in an attempt to cool the planet. Other ideas such as blocking the sun at the poles to mimic the sun's reflection of the polar ice caps which are currently melting away. Other articles about the methane gas trapped in permafrost which is melting and will release it into the atmosphere...causing an accelerated warming. My son is 2 years old. This seriously keeps me up at night and is hard for me to shake. I believe it all. The worst part is literally no one cares.

Lauraleigh39 6 June 23

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70 comments (26 - 50)

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Global warming makes me freak out big time too. It's by far my number one worry.
When governments go to war or when they have to fend off a recession, it's funny how billions $ suddenly starts to fly around. Climate emergency is far more threatening and our leaders should act and budget accordingly.


Let's be real anyone over 60 on here spouting climate denial won't be around too much longer. Especially when we need a complete and total economic and system collapse of our supply chains. The millions fleeing the coasts and 3rd world countries will overwhelm the 2nd and 1st world countries resources and ability to cope.

What can you do?
Learn and teach survival skills, learn to hunt, grow food, use and build weapons. Make sure to exercise and sell off your excess useless items now. Downsize and become more mobile, prepare for change and try to have at least 1-2 weeks worth of food and water on site at all times.

I've gathered both guns and a compound bow, knives, hatchets, and gear, and try to practice often.

Scary fact

Having fruits and veggies out of season is a testament to our modern international delivery system. The grocery and department stores you rely upon get new stock every single day.

If a major national emergency were to occur and this system were disrupted. Experts have determined that unless you have a pantry and store water. Most Americans would have less than three days of food and all of those stores would be empty in 24 hours.

Then the riots would start.

Meanwhile, until this happens I'm working hard to learn new skills is software engineering, security, and managing multiple businesses. Hoping for a bright future where the survival skills will just be an amusing discussing during dinner or reminiscing over a fire with friends.

until it isn't.

You are correct about the financial collapse and the destruction of the system we have, but global warming is a hoax it has been solar led and is now going into a cooling phase, search maunder minimum, last time this happened we entered a mini ice age, and as for CO2 figures, check this out it is having a greening effect on the world, with increased plant growth, commercial growers pump extra CO2 into their crops and get between 20% and 60% increase ion growth.


Years ago I had my grade 8 science students conduct a guided research and presentation project on climate change. I stopped that chapter a few years ago as the data was just to dire to continue.

Looks like we have already passed the point of no return as many positive feedback loop systems (melting of permafrost, once frozen methane hydrates now escaping into the atmosphere, sea ice melting changing the albedo) and many other positive feedback loops all causing warming that feeds energy to the loop; causing more ice permafrost to melt, methane hydrates to change state from solid to gas become air born causing warmer etc. . []

@Allamanda I still address how our actions effect the chemistry of the planet and how that change is altering the climate but when you spend the time researching the facts, the outcome it is not pleasant.


Angry and helpless. Pollution standards on the Ohio River are now optional...June 11 2019


Yes, TRULY the worst part is that very few people seem to care. Most human beings are going through their life every day, mindless of the coming extinction or near-extinction of most/many species of animal, plant, and human life on this planet. Yes, it's going to get very, very bad--two very's intended. But my friends, the worst--and I mean the VERY worst offenders are sitting in plush offices, counting their corporate profits and playing with their executive toys, all while causing the MOST damage to our planet and to our future. We should take them out into the streets for public hanging.

mischl Level 8 June 23, 2019

You are so right! They've got their money and really don't give a diddly-damn about what happens to anyone else. They are profiting from the misery of millions of people who will suffer from air and water pollution. I don't know if anything will change hearts and minds in time.


Stop being duped.

BD66 Level 8 June 23, 2019

Absolutely. It is the greatest existential threat we have ever faced.


Why worry? global warming is going to continue and little will be done to stop it. Even if the amount of CO2, methane etc is halved per head of population it is irrelevant, as the population will soon be doubled to 15billion.
The only thing that will stop global warming is a rapid decline in world human population and that is unlikely to be orchestrated by governments. Once the earth becomes inhospitable to humans - too little fresh water, air becomes unbreathable, food can not be grown, etc - whichever happens, humanity will decline and some other species will come to dominate the earth, or perhaps the remaining humans will relearn how to live with the planet without raping it every day


That's an improvement, 31 years. I thought the deadline was 12 years......... (Yes, sarcasm). The serious comment is, what do YOU do to protect the environment. If each and everyone do diligence then things will get better. How many kids we have, what car do we drive, how do we drive it, how much waste do we create, how much energy do we waste, how much water do we polute, what type of detergent do we buy. There are tons and tons of things we can do to help. If I can change one person mind set to be more proactive on how they conduct their life (don't leave lights on for instance) then we will turn things around. If we keep expecting it is someone else job ( like politicians fixing climate change for instance) then we must prepare for the consequences. It's on us, not on them. That's the type of mentality that we need to spread.


It's almost to hard to think about realistically. It's too big.. I've got a 15 and 11 year old and can't really think about them having children without it being a part of that. I'm also planning investing in a few cases of emergency food when I get my tax refund. Lots of worry about the corn crop this year. Will be interesting to see if that type of stuff starts to seriously affect food prices.

MsAl Level 8 June 23, 2019

I feel like its our own kids and not grandkids that will face this. Its closer than we think...

@Lauraleigh39 Yes and even us ourselves. It's the fact that I don't think grandkids are something I could think about having because it is here.


Sorry. Worked on a simple climate model for a local airport that has about 118 years of ok weather data going back to 1900. Found a similar signal in the data as NASA. Used 1st order regression models/equations that can be rather straight signal was a temperature inflection about 1958/59. Where there was a reduction of sd measures and an improvement in r value. If I used the full data set without regard for the inflection point temperatures indicated a slow drop, with with the inflection there was a stroge change in historical behavior. Ran projections out a few hundred years just to see where we might be headed. Model came back with the loss of one months freezing weather about 2019, and Venus like conditions about about 2100. Looked at rainfall projections that indicated drought and seasonal changes in rainfall from norms. One interesting result came out of the monthly models tracking the temoeratures over future years. The one run I did indicated a huge change in temperatures over time with energy held in the atmishere for longer times till Earth's orbit switch's between winter and Sumner. I think indicating immense energy available to storns latter and latter in year till earth can dump waste heat back to space. The earth as a heat engine could roar just can't fantom the details. Best I got. Have not had time to finish and cleanup my code for the models for a few years now, damn work and practical issues..don't lose faith in your good sense..


CO2 is plant food …. we are taxing plant food. How stupid is that. Great video


Interesting book about it (also Audiobook version)...
The Uninhabitable Earth By: David Wallace-Wells

Dupin Level 1 June 26, 2019

I started reading it but found it way too depressing.


The Union of Concerned Scientists are apparently working efficiently regarding climate change.


my final word on global warming. i can think of many things that will impact your life much more than global warming (now known as climate change).
unfortunately, you can't do anything about any of these changes. i can pretty well guarantee a financial depression within a few years. try to prepare for immediate threats, not theoretical threats which may occur hundreds of yrs from now.

@Mb_Man ,
did you watch the video with an open mind. i doubt it?

@Mb_Man ,
just as i thought. that's the answer i would expect from someone with a closed, weak mind.


The only real way to tell is go to nth poll and see for your self ..
You have heard of media lies.. Its just another way to control the masses..
Don't fall pray..


I can understand that you’re worried. I’m too, however I take each day at a time and try to sway politicians to do something.


we've been at the top of the food chain for an awful long time.
maybe it's just Karma, the Planet existed before there were people and will exist when there are no people.
it's nothing to be afraid of death is just another part of life

m16566 Level 7 June 24, 2019

So it’s okay with you that we humans are causing the extinction of many, many other species while we foolishly, selfishly do ourselves in?

Once there were millions of trilobites, now there are none.
the wisdom the trilobite teachers us nothing is permanent.
not even our problems.


I just seen today where is it snowing on the first day of summer... Just think about it you have been hearing these same warnings for 30 and 40 years... The earth goes through periods of warming and Cooling throughout history and this has been proven lay it to rest and worry about things you can control...

Snowing on the first day of summer (where btw?) doesn’t bother you? That sounds like our climate is beyond fucked to me.

@Wurlitzer in Colorado it didn't say what altitude but got almost two-foot...


Supporting evidence


Yes. I am as concerned as you are. I was concerned back when I had my children who are now 22 and 24. I even wrote a research proposal about trapping methane gas trapped in the permafrost, but I didn't get the job.


Highly recommended-- "Climate, the whole story" By Christen Peters. She is he former head of the archaeology dep. at the university of Washington. She puts it all in perceptive and gives you the real facts without an ax to grind.

Thank you. Will you explain explicitly what you mean ax to grind?

@seekingtruth I think he means it's objectively written, no agenda, no spin (I haven't read it).

@IAMGROOT Are you aware any sites that do not use mathematics to interfere with user interaction?


If global warming due to CO2 were a serious threat the elites would give up their private jets, which have the carbon footprint of Godzilla, and fly first class instead. They don't do that because it isn't any sort of serious threat, now or in the future. It's just a giant scam that has taken on a life of its own.

I recently took a private tour of the beautiful city of Amsterdam, and asked the tour guide "What is our elevation here?". She replied 5 meters below sea level, although Wikipedia says 2 meters. It has been estimated that without the famous dykes 30% of the Netherlands would today be under water, but it's not. The Dutch have some of the best engineers in the world, and if sea level were in fact to rise significantly ( which I definitely do not expect) those Dutch engineers are going to make a well-deserved fortune selling their expertise. It's already started happening in New Orleans; too bad they waited so long to ask for expert help. []

I wonder is that why the "elites" (which I prefer to call them what they are the psychopaths) are investing in space stations and efforts to leave the planet. Especially because on their watch and their multiple generations in power. They have orchestrated the destruction of the world's ecosystem to sustain human life all for their own benefit and comfortable lives.

Taking ques from psychopathic, self centered rich kids who inherited their wealth as a gauge if us "poors" should panic is insane. That's as effective as say deciding if you should invest in one stock over another if the crow outside your window kaws or not each morning.


This should be more of concern []

azzow2 Level 9 June 23, 2019

@Allamanda I am not a scientist however I could take a stab at some answers. Our elipse could be at different markers causing different weather patterns because the constant no longer exist. So in other words we would be further away from the sun at points where we should be closer. The moon could be out of sync. As an example I am thinking of finely instruments even a micron off and the tool can be can cause calibration to be way off. Other factors could apply the warp zone around the Earth can be larger or smaller. The warp zone idea is one of Einstein's theories. The lateral angle and azmath can be changed in relation to other planets and the sun as well as the black hole at the center of the galaxy. These are just guesses btw.


I'd like to see their thoughts on how to block the sun.

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