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Facebook -still on it. Many friends here are too. Is anyone getting monitored and warnings - You are not using the site as intended. No swearing. Just angry emojis. Anyone else?

sassygirl3869 9 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Haven't been on face book for over a year and about ready to leave You Tube too, don't need the thought police scorning me.


They have destroyed Facebook. No more fun anymore.


Still on Facebook, but mostly to get messages and news from my friends. I browse less than before. I don't like the change they made to their algorythm.


I'm still on FB just not very often. No warnings and I say what I want, no swearing per se but lots of angry emojis.


I have not had any FB warnings, ever.


I spend lots of time on Facebook, both for political comment as well as fun videos, memes, religious freedom information and lots of like minded friends.


I'm on Facebook with strong privacy controls.

Only "friend" people I know in person.

Since they are also Democrats or hikers, my Facebook feed has liberal posts.


No I haven't. I only put my liberal comments on this site. Facebook is closed minded to everyone happy.

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