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The Ten Commandments?

Allamanda 8 July 10

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98.9% of Christians don't follow the ten commandments anyway, so there's that.
Maybe there was more than 10. Reminds me of the Monty Python(?) scene where Moses comes down from the mountain and said, "I have brought you the 20 commandmen, OOPS, CRASH! The TEN commandments!😃


Stupid commandments when half of them are about worshiping god, not doing the right thing for other people.


Yes, and only one commandment - DO NO HARM !!!

The one command that encompasses all others is: Love your neighbor as yourself.

@Allamanda yes, I guess they do, considering what's out there.

@BestWithoutGods I agree. It simplifies things

I like Jim jefferies take on it. He said the whole thing just needed one sheet of paper and it just needed to say “try not to be a cunt”

@JacobMeyers Or a DICK !!!

@ThinkingFree heh yeah. Didn’t mean to be misogynistic, I shoulda mentioned Jeffries is Australian and the word has different usage there

@JacobMeyers No problem, Jake.


Damn straight! How about “thou shall not molest children”?


her point is taken...he only had one job...😉


It's almost like their god was a fictional character created by manipulative, misogynistic assholes?

JimG Level 8 July 11, 2019

@Allamanda A not so good lord. 🙂


But I mean we were given Exodus 34:26: “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk". Can you imagine where humanity would be now if people thought boiling young goats in the mother's milk were permissible this whole time?

@Allamanda You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

@Allamanda ICYMI, Its a movie reference.

@Allamanda Sorry---That is from this scene in the Princess Bride. I wasn't trolling. lol.


Since the idea of god(s) is simply a human construct, the commandants are simply a human construct and has nothing to do with an imaginary god(s) and at the time they were formulated, they represent the knowledge and understanding of the time.

@Allamanda Why political? Is not wanting to be killed political? Is not wanting to be lied too political? Is not wanting what is yours stolen political? These are all basic human understandings that need no explanation or no god(s). IMHO


The christian God is not running a democracy - you don't get a vote. Religion is all about establishing a dictatorship and the bible is a training guide for dictators. First you get people use to worshiping a dictating imagined god. Then you step in for the god and claim the dictatorship for yourself by saying you are doing the work of the god and a church is born with it's interpretations. Since the fake god has no voice it cannot warn or complain of a takeover. And since people are already conditioned to worshiping a dictator they continue the worship. This is what the republican party has done with the religious - they dictate to the religious and the religious follow because the republicans give lip service and say they are doing the work of god. It's funny how the republicans say they are doing the work of a god when not one of them can create a single atom. You would have to be a god to do the work of one and since the christian god was made by man I guess they really are doing the work of the Man God they created.

jrhere Level 5 July 10, 2019

I remember Mel Brooks having 15 Commandments

Oops, I think referenced that very scene above and gave credit to Monty Python and gave it 20 commandments😊 Alas, Long time ago and lots of weed back then.


This sums it up for me.


Here is a comedy bit about the same thing.


Reminds me of what Steve Martin said, when he arrived at the gates and was quizzed about his life. "So tell me, how many times did I take the Lord's name in vain? A million six, Jesus Chr...."

  1. Forget the last 10. Instead, have fun and spread the joy!
pau11y Level 3 July 12, 2019

I only follow the three commandments 🙂 .

  1. Mind your own business
  2. Keep your nose clean
  3. Keep your hands to yourself

Are you familiar with the 42 Principles of Maat? It is an extensive list of rules attributed to the goddess of harmony, which Moses having been raised as Egyptian royalty would have known very well.

Athena Level 8 July 11, 2019

Thanks for posting. Why do sooo many people miss the obvious???


Yes it would have been better if he had done that. Problem is he never existed to start with.


you mean take all the fun out of the world? bad enough you can't covet another's wife.,..🙂

lerlo Level 8 July 10, 2019

God did not make the Ten Commandments. People did.


Yup that's religion for you

bobwjr Level 10 July 10, 2019

The reason is pretty simple, sadly. Probably one of the biggest pointers that the godhead as described in that book doesn't exist. The characteristics just contradict each other in something as simple as what you pointed out in your post.


He was a man- I mean a god- of his times.

That works.

@brentan Lol


I've seen some three or four commandments that are on the 'satanist' idea. It always looks like a competition to me. ( 😀 ) More like a control trip using a jealous streak then a healthy way of keeping on I think.

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