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Pool Report from MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Reporter accompanying the VP to McAllen TX border patrol station, saw horrors and the stench of 400 men crowded into a cage for 40 days. They like the abuse, no mattresses, no soap, no toothpaste, they think it helps them politically. I think they are violating UN Civil Rights and should be tried for war crimes. Anyone else? Trump thinks this poor treatment of immigrants will help him with his base? Demented sick man who should be impeached. Proud of the raids set for multiple, mostly Democratic cities Trump is as bad as Hitler.


sassygirl3869 9 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I wonder why people from The Hague have not said something. This offence is beyond any act that can be justified and should be stopped immediately.


Hitler waa not alone. He had enablers and was encouraged in his activities by his base. He rounded up people and sent them, initially overseas but then into concentration camps. The Nazis had a plan which was excecuted to precision. I don't see this with Trump.
In a way, it is almost worst. It was my country who invented concentration camps. During the Boer War we incarerated 45, 000 Afrikaans and basically left them to starve to death. Some of that was intentional but most of it was down to poor management decisions. There was a huge outcry at the time but it still happened. 1000s of white Afrikaans and their black neighbours were killed, many by disease and malnutrition.
It was sold to the Brits at home as a battle for Britishness and those complaining were called 'pro-Boer'. Companies were encouraged to distribute union jacks and people were reminded that this was how the empire became great. It did untold damage to SA and the UK. Many british guys were killed too. As a small child I met a vet from the Boer war but had been bayonted through his skull.
This, to me is where the similarity lies. To me this is not an ocastrated plan of mass extermination. It is more like they are walking into a situation where people will just starve to death.
I have to say though, rounding up illegals does sound a little like, kristallnacht. Be careful dear Americans. Please.
Here is my source...
The Concentration Camps of the South African (Anglo‐Boer) War, 1900–1902
Elizabeth Van Heyningen
History Compass 7 (1), 22-43, 2009

Amisja Level 8 July 13, 2019

Thanks for referencing Kristallnacht. So many here get angry with me when I reference Nazi behavior.
South Africa too.


Read the American Fascists and you will see that Pence’s brand of Christianity is taking over our government, piece by piece. And the immigrants are only the first group, if they succeed, that will be mistreated and in concentration camps. Hitler stared out by cleaning out insane asylums and when that wasn’t a problem, moved to gypsies then to Jews. It is incremental and planned to numb the base to horrible actions in the name of patriotism.


Many, most I would think on this site are aware this administration under this president cares only for the rights of white wealthy people. No one deserves anything resembling humane treatment if they are brown. trump does not care about poor whites either but they are too ignorant and brainwashed to figure that out.
trump is as bad as any despot that has ever held the sort of power he has. That said people in the media had a big hand in allowing him the sort of air time needed to get the vote. The many gop members who called trump out before he was placed in the WH but are now sucking up to him is disgusting. The problem is too many wealthy white elected officials will not impeach.
I think at LEAST 60% of Americans want trump, pense, mcconnell, gone but the wealthy white elected officials are benefiting too much no matter how bad it looks. Example paul fucking ryan with his new book. ASShole!

Our Reality Show mentality paved the way for Donald. His mistreatment of the contestants on his Apprentice show and elevation of the most despicable was just the encouragement he needed to move him into the White House using the same strategy.


tRump has dragged this country so far down the sewer, we will likely never fully recover.


I agree with your every word. The problem is that those in power lie and do not agree. They always try to convince us that what we see is really something else. They are masters of distraction.


Yeah crimes against humanity should be tried by the ICC in Hague and jailed

bobwjr Level 10 July 13, 2019

Pretty soon we will observe 3rd-world help groups coming here, and I hope they hurry up.....makes me think I am a 1940's German hearing about concentration camps & doing Nothing, feeling disgusted with myself.


"Taking Migrant Children From Parents Is Illegal, U.N. Tells U.S."
The NYT reiterated that UN says that separating children from their families violates international law and is a violation of the human rights of the children.

Immigrant concentration camps violate the "UN Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice" also. The UN said that classification of specific races is an arbitrary human invention and does not in actuality exist as is evidenced in regard to DNA. They said the only race is the human race. Many immigrants crossed at the border control and asked for asylum, which they were not granted, but were imprisoned like law breakers. That bespeaks racial bias, and the nationalistic slurs so common against immigrants bespeak racism.

WE know this. Sadly there are many elected white officials that see no problem - many are from our southern states. I can argue all I want that this is NOT me yet it is happening. Feeling truly powerless as many Americans do is what we need to over come. But how do you educate the folks you see at trump rallies that are okay with this treatment? The police that target POC?

When I figure it out, I'll return with an answer.

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