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WonderWilla 4 July 17

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I’m voting blue. I know I’m not going to agree 100% with the democratic nominee, but I will agree with them gar, far more than tRump. OK, I agree with nothing that POS does.
The dems have to do a better job of winning the Electoral College

CS60 Level 7 Aug 12, 2019

That nails it; he's got his 36% that will vote for him come hell or high water, but I believe there are a good many that have become disillusioned with his rhetoric and now see Trump for the traitor and con man he is...though it bothers me that they were willing to overlook his bigotry and hatred and vote for him in the first time...I believe there are enough of us to give him, and the Republicans a resounding defeat in 2020.


No shit vote

bobwjr Level 10 July 17, 2019

As a volunteer, I register high school students to vote each April and September.

Since age 18, I have voted in every federal, state and local election as a Democrat.

Vote Republicans out of office!

I sent in my first absentee ballot when I turned 21 in Vietnam and I have never missed the opportunity to cast my ballot. To me voting is a responsibility, and I will be honest, I think less of people who do not.


as many times as they let me!!


Vote with your heart in the primary, AND vote pragmatically in the election. If your person doesn't win, for what ever fucking reason, we have to unite to throw out this incredible evil. (Let me get specific - I like Bernie, but if the "Bernie only" folks had voted last time, who knows).


The ONLY way to restore decency & common sense! IF YOU DO NOT VOTE, YOU ARE VOTING FOR DRUMP!

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